here we go


New member
started my cycle feb 2
d-bol(bianabol)25 mg a day
test(golden triangle)500 mg week

24 years old

I now have been on my cycle for 12 days already up to 195lbs!!!as I know most of it is water, but this is something I never was able to do nataurally............will keep posted
thats awesome man, good luck, i think im going to try that, with smoe deca involved, let me know how u end up at the end
well as of today I just finished my last day of d-bols. I am in week 5 of my 10 week cycle, I just weighed my self I came in at 204lbs.So that would make me up 23 pounds! My strength seems to be getting better by the day...................will post again at end of cycle!