Here's another question I feel a little stupid asking


Not Novice, But Not Pro
But I might as well ask, even if the answer is probably obvious. I know how much AI (1.5-2mg) controls my usual 300mg TRT dose. I've started on a 500-600mg blast. My first blast. It would make common sense that I should increase my AI dose. However I've never tested my E2 while on a blast and do not have a way to do so at this time. Question - Do you guys usually find that you have to increase AI on blast. and as I imagine you do have to increase AI, do you have to increase AI very much??

And again, I'm amazed at the amount of knowledge the members here possess.
what a question. of course they have to increase their AI dose. 0.25 mg a-dex every other day for 500 mg test blast.
So what AI are you using. Not Arimidex correct?

I myself only use Arimidex and it is strong n reacts quick.
So a scenario for 600mgs Test wk for me. AND I am prone to most of the sides of Test aromatizing. I start at .25 EOD as I go with my experience of many sides and I am not speaking of Gyno and I have tweaked my Arimidex to a fairly high dose. I've leveled at .20 ED. I started to loose my appetite and my energy and my boners, ha!! That's when I SLOWLY upped a little every 4-6 days as I felt .

I'm also on Deca but this is primarily due to the Test. Hope that helps. My buddy vets will help .

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what a question. of course they have to increase their AI dose. 0.25 mg a-dex every other day for 500 mg test blast.

OMG. I thought you were behaving yourself. But no..., I leave the computer for a few hours and BANG, you've been banned!!!
I thought we worked out all your problems and fixed your attitude up nicely.
Now what did you do, to piss someone off?? You weren't being an asshole, where you??

I just told you this morning it was only a matter of time before you were banned.

Oh well, no one can say I didn't try to help him.
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So what AI are you using. Not Arimidex correct?

I myself only use Arimidex and it is strong n reacts quick.
So a scenario for 600mgs Test wk for me. AND I am prone to most of the sides of Test aromatizing. I start at .25 EOD as I go with my experience of many sides and I am not speaking of Gyno and I have tweaked my Arimidex to a fairly high dose. I've leveled at .20 ED. I started to loose my appetite and my energy and my boners, ha!! That's when I SLOWLY upped a little every 4-6 days as I felt .

I'm also on Deca but this is primarily due to the Test. Hope that helps. My buddy vets will help .


Thanks young fella for your help ;-) . I wanted to double check with someone that has been thru this. I did not want to kill my E2 because I made a wrong assumption.

I see that you have basically doubled your AI when on a blast of 600mg test. So I will do roughly the same and double my AI, gradually. I've been a little angry lately and been under some stress about something important. I wasn't sure if it was the stress or my E2. I'll increase AI and recheck my E2 as soon as I can

BTW I use Anastrozole which is the same as Arimidex.
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You take 1.5-2mg per week of anastrozole for TRT?? Wooooow, and I thought I aromatized like a sumofabitch. :doh:

Unfortunately, it's going to have to be a process the first time. As you already know you require a pretty hefty dose on TRT, I'd imagine that you'll face an even larger dose requirement on a blast.

The first thing you need to know is that estradiol generation is NOT linear at all. If you're doubling your testosterone, that does NOT mean you'll necessarily double your AI dose too. I would probably increase it by 30%, andand see where that puts you in four weeks, unless you notice DEFINITE high E2 sides.

I look at ankles first, as high and low mimic each other quite a bit, but excess edema in the peripherals is pretty tell-tale of high estradiol when combined with the other shared side effects. This is by no means fool-proof, but as long as small steps in increasing dose if encountered - should keep you from crashing your E2.

My .02c :)

Oh, and it's NEVER a dumb question if asked BEFORE you start. ;)
See OP now Halfwit always tells it better. But ya know OP and halfwit I have to check my ankles because the water there will tell me more than anywhere else for me. It is called pitting edema and that's what happens to heat patients when they retain water. As soon as I start to put on weight quickly I know it's mostly subcutaneous water retention so I check my ankles. Keep a close eye.
Bloated ankles? Never thought of looking at my ankles for water retention...damn, I learn something new here every day! I don't really get sides much from test even when I blast 500mg test and 400mg deca but I still take .25 adex eod. Now that I'm cruising on 200 test and 200 deca for my joints I lower it to .125 on the days that I pin Mon and Thurs. I will usually up it back to .25 for a week if I start feeling overly sensitive. Now I'll have to keep a close eye on my ankles as well!
Specifically look at your sock line. When I was on .5 adex a week I noticed a distinct line around my calf / ancles where my sock line was located. Upped adex to 1mg a week and the sock indent is almost gone. Upping adex took my e2 from the 50's to the 30's based on TRT blood tests.
Hey oldmusclemike. On one hand wisdom comes with age and you know a lot more than I do. But since you are actually younger than me, I hope you don't mind me referring to you as "young fella", once in a while. lol ;-)

Anyways. Question about Deca and HCG in relation to increasing AI. Lets assume I get my AI dose dialed in for this blast of Test only. It appears a good move next time will be to add deca. I assume that Deca will not change E2 much and therefore I will not have to change the dose of Anastrozole. But it would appear reasonable that an increase in HCG would be necessary when on a blast. It would seem logical as you increase test, you shut your HTPA down further, therefore needing more HCG. Anybody up their HCG on blast?
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Hi, young fella...ha just that expression tells your age , lol
I'm out and on my phone so this is hard for me. I cannot give you advice on hcg. Never use it.
"Question about Deca and HCG in relation to increasing AI. Lets assume I get my AI dose dialed in for this blast of Test only. It appears a good move next time will be to add deca. I assume that Deca will not change E2 much and therefore I will not have to change the dose of Anastrozole. But it would appear reasonable that an increase in HCG would be necessary when on a blast. It would seem logical as you increase test, you shut your HTPA down further, therefore needing more HCG."
This question was for anyone. :-)

Anybody else increases their HCG while on blast??
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OK, we know you are a liar now. No one is actually OLDER than oldmusclemike. It simply is not possible. ;)

I know it's freggin hard to believe. But, your probably right! Perhaps it's Mike that's lying!!?? :-) Cause he's got to be at least 80 to have gone thru so much in his life. Perhaps even 90ish. Come on Mike, fess up! :-) lol
I know it's freggin hard to believe. But, your probably right! Perhaps it's Mike that's lying!!?? :-) Cause he's got to be at least 80 to have gone thru so much in his life. Perhaps even 90ish. Come on Mike, fess up! :-) lol

Ok guys enough of the wise cracks ...Ha! :crying: This place is a trip :)

But the real truth is I am 64 and will be 65 on July 18th. So it seems that I've been lying about being 65 ya think.. :dance2: huh!
Ya know about what you said in regard to having gone thru so many things. We all at an age of 65 +/- have been around the block and some have been around the world figurative speaking.

Truly when I start speaking about this or that I've done and then I stop and think shit no one is going to believe these stories. Time has gone by and as it does we/ I forget the details and don't realize , because it was then and that was so long ago , just what all I have done and been.

The stories even blow e away when now I think back. Living on Miami beach, sometimes going to school by boat with my buddies, money to NO money, cars and motorcycles, competitive hand gun, boats , competitive water skiing , all positions in Construction and management, Corporate Admin hat, GC license , a gym, completive BB, a small Const. CO.......Really how did all this happen.

If some guy told me what I tell I've done I'd say he is full of bullshit. Has some kinda complex to make up those stories, because listen here he sits without a fvckin pot to piss in and live on SSD. His wife after 36 years even divorced him. Huh, WTF. It's all a fog and I am learning to live for today.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

Oops , sorry I hijacked it a little, :(
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Hey oldmusclemike. On one hand wisdom comes with age and you know a lot more than I do. But since you are actually younger than me, I hope you don't mind me referring to you as "young fella", once in a while. lol ;-)

Anyways. Question about Deca and HCG in relation to increasing AI. Lets assume I get my AI dose dialed in for this blast of Test only. It appears a good move next time will be to add deca. I assume that Deca will not change E2 much and therefore I will not have to change the dose of Anastrozole. But it would appear reasonable that an increase in HCG would be necessary when on a blast. It would seem logical as you increase test, you shut your HTPA down further, therefore needing more HCG. Anybody up their HCG on blast?

Deca does aromatize, so you may need to increase your AI dose - depending on how much deca you're running.

Shut down is shut down. Your LH and FSH can only approach zero output so much. Many do increase HCG as testicular atrophy may be more noticeable on blasts, but I personally cannot differentiate between TRT and blast doses with my dose of 500iu/wk. :)