heres one for the longhorn


Community Veteran
The number of carbons also has a small effect in that it reduces the parent drug’s proportion of the total weight. E.g., it would take 344 mg of testosterone propionate, or 401 mg of testosterone enanthate to give the same amount of testosterone as in 288 mg of testosterone suspension.

thats alomost 30% difference in enan and suspension. sooo...... i told ya you would be surprised mr KISS. I am keeping it simple my friend.
lololol you missed the earlier thread. are you jealous of mine and long horns relationship? if so there is no need. ytouy know that i only care about you my pigme porn star you.
Interesting pb. I had no idea it was that large a difference. So if you were doing a gram/week/suspension you'd have to take ~1400mg/week of enanthate.

Now don't get all cranky on me pb, you know you are a big believer in KISS.
Ester actual mg/100mg dose
test no ester 100
tren acetate 87
test prop 83
test enanth 72
test cyp 70
test undecan 63
So basically the biggest difference is if there is an ester attached or not. If so, then it's going to be similar.