hey bros work with this (cycle)


New member
sust 1-10 500mg
]dbol 1-4 30mg
clen starting week 5 2 on 2 off
i have 1 bottle of eq should i use it for this cycle or just leave it out
thanks for the help
dbol & clen in the same cycle?

I don't get it.

Are you trying to bulk up or get cut?
what im trying to do is put on some size but i dont want to let the bulk get to far out of hand before i take off to mexico nov 1 ......so if anyone could fine tune this for me that would be sweet
ive been on more then a handful cycle
5-10 220 b.f arount 16% training on and off for 16 yrs
Either leave the EQ out, or get another bottle and run it at 400mg per week. Anything less than that would be a waste. I personally would get another bottle

Definately run the EQ with the dbol.

Also, instead of running the dbol 1-4 have you thought about running it 4-7 so that the EQ has had a chance to "kick in"?
sust 1-10 500Mg
dbol 1-4 35Mg
EQ 1-10 500 Mg

Dont forget your ALA, Milk Thislte and/or Tylers Liver Detox...

At the end of your Cycle you may want to run some T3 with Winstrol (winny) to cut up... THat EQ will make you hungry and you WILL have some midngiht trips to the Fridge...