hey ecto.... 2 weeks is up here are my legs as promised

Here's a guy who manned-up and actually put up some pics when he got called out. I think anyone that offers "constructive criticism" should pre-requisite it with pics of their own. This would elliminate those with 20" thighs from giving advice about leg training.
Freeweights495 - I got to give you big props, most on here won't even step up to the plate! I think your legs look good. And by the way,the angle of the camera has a lot to do with how big your thighs look- straight on shots will give a better impression of the overall size.

Here's my prereq-
LukeDuke said:
Here's a guy who manned-up and actually put up some pics when he got called out. I think anyone that offers "constructive criticism" should pre-requisite it with pics of their own. This would elliminate those with 20" thighs from giving advice about leg training.
Freeweights495 - I got to give you big props, most on here won't even step up to the plate! I think your legs look good. And by the way,the angle of the camera has a lot to do with how big your thighs look- straight on shots will give a better impression of the overall size.

Here's my prereq-

20inch thighs??? if your impling i have 20 in thighs you are sadly mistaken...besides every one here gave him props for his cuts (i wish i had cuts like that) in his thighs..he just does not have a lot of size on them. also if you look at his other thread of his upper body you can see he is disporportional (sp.) his upper body is massive, legs not so. if he wants to truely clear things up he could take a pic like you did of the whole body.
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Okay i'm not taking a pot shot at anyone here but something doesn't add up here-

you posted pics that were taken 2 weeks ago and you were 10% bodyfat and now your telling me your 5%. BS
DirkMoneyshot said:
Okay i'm not taking a pot shot at anyone here but something doesn't add up here-

you posted pics that were taken 2 weeks ago and you were 10% bodyfat and now your telling me your 5%. BS
i was thinking that too..but i didnt feel like breaking out my calculator and doing the math....
what's the secret? what are you currently (and over past 2-4 weeks) taking? in what dosages? basic review of diet and exercise. thanks.
freeweights495 said:
don't take fuckin dnp unless you're on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) cuz you lose a shitload of muscle mass.

DNP does not cause muscle loss. It spares muscle in fact.
Muscles00GT said:
DNP does not cause muscle loss. It spares muscle in fact.

this is something I cant understand, you and one other member on this board say DNP doesnt cause muscle loss. Can you explaine how something that raises metabolism like that and burns all those extra cals doesnt effect muscle. I would see that creating a catabolic state. Iv personally done it twice and can say it isnt very muscle friendly.