I am banned!
Makes sense. Just surprised. The stuff at least gets u the results your looking for right, given diet/training are on?
this is completely personal dependent . its not like a cycle of Test where 95% of guys will respond well and grow . insulin depends on individual genetics, slin and carb sensitivity, metabolism , etc..
two guys with the exact same diet and training and who weigh the same can do an insulin protocol exactly the same and one guy make lean mass guys, and the other guy just get fat as hell. it all depends.
but for guys on longer runs of HGH it can definitely be beneficial for controlling blood sugar issues/hyperglycemia (which can be caused by hgh) and it can be synergetic with the HGH and produce much much more IGF1 in the liver , which means more capacity for growth.
also it depends on the protocol wither you dose the slin and hgh spread thoroughout the day for more moderate effects with less water bloat and fat gains, or you go with the traditional workout blast of slin and carbs all at once.