HGH dosage questions.....


New member
I hope you guys can help me out. I was thinking about starting an HGH cycle. However, I don;t know what dosage to get it comes in 100iu, 500 iu and 1000iu. The price goes up the higher the unit obviously, but lets say the price didn't matter. How long would 500iu last if I was to shoot 5 times a week at 2 iu/day with saturday and sunday off? 1000iu? I'm really confused on how long these 2 would last hope you guys can help me?
2 iu is really low..

lets say u get the 100iu kit.. it comes with 10iu/10 bottles.. so 1 bottle would get u 5 shots.. 1 kit would last u 10 weeks.
IMO I would say if you over 40 then 2.5iu is fine but 4iu is best minimum as u see faster results for fat loss, anything over 4iu I would say is more gaining muscle results.
I'm 23 years old looking to cycle HGH with fina. My cycle would consist of a transdermal homemade tren everyday at 75mg tren/day, HGH 4iu/day for 5 days a week. I'm thinking about running those two for 10 weeks and seeing what kind of results I can get. I also have 5 weeks of winstrol, 6 weeks of Deca, and 4 weeks of clomid that I haven't decided what to do with yet. I came across these at a great price anone have any ideas of putting this all together. I've done plenty of research and was misinformed about the deca hence why I only have 6 weeks worth....
hey yadi, is that you in your avtar, if you thats one of the sickest back tats ive ever seen..
heres my experience with gh thus far.
I am taking 4iu per day right before bed.
thus far no side effects , but the fat loss in my abdominal area is retarded.
i am using 1mg of prop every other day and a half cc of t400 as well.
i feel great, i know gh isnt suppose to be the mirical drug but i will tell you its all been positive.
i have on for 22 days and have enough for 6 months. i am pretty happy thus far. im in my early 30"s and was looking to do a gh cycle to help with ligaments, organs etc, didnt expect too see the results fat loss wise as quick as i did but im happy.. im not a fat bastard anyway but just had that little bit hanging around the lower stomache around the belly button.. they are the new chink yellow tops
Grammar and Spell check geeeezz
Learn how to spell something right, and make a sentence.
It's hard to have people take you seriously when you write like a 10 year old.
End rant.
and if you are talking to me, explain to me why it matters how i spell or write. its the way i write big fucking deal. Sorry sir, didnt know i had to have my grammer in check in order to contribute to these threads.. i'll do my best to make you happy next time fuckstick.
GH should be cycled for a min of 6months to get anything good from it. and for building muscle the Gh would be taken in the morning and evening.
4 iu to start and build up to 8iu
so 2iu to 4iu twice a day. put along side a cycle will yeild great results.
and if you are talking to me, explain to me why it matters how i spell or write. its the way i write big fucking deal. Sorry sir, didnt know i had to have my grammer in check in order to contribute to these threads.. i'll do my best to make you happy next time fuckstick.

haha i'm not directing that at an individual. It just reflects better on the person to make their post at least look good. No offense to anyone, but we all agree its easier to read, and just looks more structured.
I didn't curse or point anyone out, so just wanted to make a point, i've been reading many threads with this, and just pointed it out in this one.
No need to get mad there turbo.
I'm 23 years old looking to cycle HGH with fina. My cycle would consist of a transdermal homemade tren everyday at 75mg tren/day, HGH 4iu/day for 5 days a week. I'm thinking about running those two for 10 weeks and seeing what kind of results I can get. I also have 5 weeks of winstrol, 6 weeks of Deca, and 4 weeks of clomid that I haven't decided what to do with yet. I came across these at a great price anone have any ideas of putting this all together. I've done plenty of research and was misinformed about the deca hence why I only have 6 weeks worth....

sorry dude, but if you have done ANY research, much less plenty, you would know that what you have is such an oddball hodgepodge of gear. 6 weeks of deca is a waste of time. Even if its NPP. Get a full cycle and do half ass it.

But back to the GH. Plain and simple.. you're too young. I haven't seen any pics, but I can assure you that you have neither the muscle maturity nor the experience to use GH at this point.

think big, eat big, lift big and you will get big. All the other shit is just help.