hgh for me??


New member
i am a 45 year old male i have done a few cycles.. i am wondering if doing hgh would be beneficial for me not just for building muscle and loosing some fat around the mid section, but for a better overall well being more energy,help make face look younger ect..if i decide to try it i would like to run a cycle with it.. also do you have to take it for at least 6 months before you see any results from using it.. it is so exspensive just wondering if the benifits you get are worth the cost?? thanks
Well for starters, unless you're doing lots, you're definitely not going to build muscle with it, and it certainly doesn't "spot reduce" fat deposits. You might see some other benifits, but the cost to benifit ratio is not really worth it imo.
If you could get a Dr. to give it to you and have insurance company pick up the tab,I think it would be worth it. Out of your pocket is not the way to go. It will improve your outlook on life and will help you put on some muscle and get rid of stubborn fat.I'm on because it was detemined by my endo that my body does not make enough or any. Since I have been on it I gained almost 30# and am 11%bf so don't let people tell you that it won't help you,just be patient and it will come.