HGH for women

My understanding after reading your posts is that she'll experience some water retention, harder cramping, and maybe some joint pain. Since I'm a male and don't have a monthly cycle (LOL!!), I didn't experience that, but I have also never experienced the joint pain or retention either. My assumption is that is something women experience or person-to-person side effects. Am I right in assuming that? Any suggestions you may have for her, I would greatly appreciate. Thanks for your time.

The "uncomfortable" sides usually die out after the 2nd month or so.. But the body will go through an adjusting period (1-2ius a day)
YES sides vary from person to person..

WHY does she even want to run gh??

If she just wants to get lean, there are much better options with less sides and better results..

She can boost her immune system with vitamins..

Yes, she wants to get lean, but also to boost her immune because she is running crazy hours w/everything that's going on. Of course I have her on multi-vitamins & other supplements, but they don't seem to be giving her the boost she needs. Any recommendations on something that would get her leaner and vitamins I should look at to give her the boost she needs?
Yes, she wants to get lean, but also to boost her immune because she is running crazy hours w/everything that's going on. Of course I have her on multi-vitamins & other supplements, but they don't seem to be giving her the boost she needs. Any recommendations on something that would get her leaner and vitamins I should look at to give her the boost she needs?

Vitamin b-6 specifically and a greens powder/concentrate.

Certain teas are good as well but you have to drink them every day to get the results.

A personal favorite of mine is called vital greens by naka. This stuff is FANTASTIC and I notice a difference.

Start a new thread and post her diet....I bet we can tweak it to benefit her.
Yes, she wants to get lean, but also to boost her immune because she is running crazy hours w/everything that's going on. Of course I have her on multi-vitamins & other supplements, but they don't seem to be giving her the boost she needs. Any recommendations on something that would get her leaner and vitamins I should look at to give her the boost she needs?

Miss Muscle had some great advice..

For my immune system, I take Ascorbic acid (C) and D since I don't get enough of it nor sunlight.. works for me, but everyone is different..
Alot of women like B.. I don't because it is one of the few things that actually makes me restless.

As per her getting lean.. Honestly babe.. until she can commit to a schedule.. 3-4 days a week weight training with some cardio, and a solid eating plan, she will not see any results.. We all know that there is NO miracle cure.. Just good old fashioned hard work.. YES there are some "supplements" that AID hard work, but AID is the key word.. GH also is NOT a miracle cure.. It does not make you lean from doing nothing.. So the best advice I can give her to get lean is to stick to a regimented training program and go from there..

Agreed Supergirl. Hell, even if she cannot train as often as she'd like, some thing like a keto diet for 8 weeks will work wonders. Its hard to do but delivers each and every time. But thats part of the prob - people want instant results without hard work. Doesn't exist or happen!
I'm well aware that hard work must be a part of the cure. Guess without knowing me or the schedule I am getting her on that the question sounded pretty broad. I've been working out my whole life, and being a former college athlete, I'm well aware of what hardwork is. My question was more of suggestions geared towards a woman rather a man and/or someone like myself where genetics play a big role in how I look. Never has it been nor will it ever be that without hardwork and pain will you ever get results. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.
Agreed Supergirl. Hell, even if she cannot train as often as she'd like, some thing like a keto diet for 8 weeks will work wonders. Its hard to do but delivers each and every time. But thats part of the prob - people want instant results without hard work. Doesn't exist or happen!

Exactly Papa. Most think steroids and fat burners are a miracle worker and will do the results for you. They couldn't be more wrong!
I'm well aware that hard work must be a part of the cure. Guess without knowing me or the schedule I am getting her on that the question sounded pretty broad. I've been working out my whole life, and being a former college athlete, I'm well aware of what hardwork is. My question was more of suggestions geared towards a woman rather a man and/or someone like myself where genetics play a big role in how I look. Never has it been nor will it ever be that without hardwork and pain will you ever get results. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions.

You were asking about your girl.. not you, so knowing about you is not helping solve the problem.. BASED on what you told us about her, I responded the best way for her.. not you ;)
I started HGH today!

I am thinking of running some HGH, for fat loss. Anybody can help with how much and how lond I should start off with?

I started HGH today, took 1UI and about an hour later felt like I was high on ecstasy(which I havent done since I was 21). Was in the spa getting a pedicure & a song came on I liked and I wanted to get up and start dancing. Kind of scared me actually.
My mouth got kind of dry, and I felt like I was on ephedrine (which I dont like that feeling). I called a body builder friend, and he asked if I had coffee and told me that I am super sensitive while on HGH to anything that I eat or drink.

My boyfriend started 3 days ago and he is taking 2ui a day to start. Other than some swelling in his fingers and a little more energy he doesnt seem to notice the difference.

I guess everyone will notice or react differently, I have a very low tolerance to caffiene, alcohol etc.

My concerns are: will HGH make you keep growing? even with low doses...I'm using it to assist in weight loss, and to give me more energy.
I started HGH today, took 1UI and about an hour later felt like I was high on ecstasy(which I havent done since I was 21). Was in the spa getting a pedicure & a song came on I liked and I wanted to get up and start dancing. Kind of scared me actually.
My mouth got kind of dry, and I felt like I was on ephedrine (which I dont like that feeling). I called a body builder friend, and he asked if I had coffee and told me that I am super sensitive while on HGH to anything that I eat or drink.

My boyfriend started 3 days ago and he is taking 2ui a day to start. Other than some swelling in his fingers and a little more energy he doesnt seem to notice the difference.

I guess everyone will notice or react differently, I have a very low tolerance to caffiene, alcohol etc.

My concerns are: will HGH make you keep growing? even with low doses...I'm using it to assist in weight loss, and to give me more energy.

Welcome Victory. Please start a new thread!
Hey everyone, I see this thread is rather old however like everyone else I am also thinking about starting HGH. I googled information on it and I have to say, I have learned a lot from you all, Supergirl especially. First let me say I am 38 and have seen a change in the way my body deposits fat, its moving and shifting to areas I NEVER had problems with. I have found its so much more difficult to see results no matter what I do. I am looking for something to help me out! I have had a very stressful couple of yrs, laid off from my job, etc..I'm going gray, have low energy and developed very dry skin! I have heard wonderful things about HGH and not so wonderful so I am at odds with what I should do. Any advise would greatly be appreciated. I have heard the quote "time kicks your ass", well I'm trying real hard to at least give time a good fight!! Thanks guys! All the best!!
Hey everyone, I see this thread is rather old however like everyone else I am also thinking about starting HGH. I googled information on it and I have to say, I have learned a lot from you all, Supergirl especially. First let me say I am 38 and have seen a change in the way my body deposits fat, its moving and shifting to areas I NEVER had problems with. I have found its so much more difficult to see results no matter what I do. I am looking for something to help me out! I have had a very stressful couple of yrs, laid off from my job, etc..I'm going gray, have low energy and developed very dry skin! I have heard wonderful things about HGH and not so wonderful so I am at odds with what I should do. Any advise would greatly be appreciated. I have heard the quote "time kicks your ass", well I'm trying real hard to at least give time a good fight!! Thanks guys! All the best!!

Hi and Welcome!

Start a new thread please! If people see old threads they ignore them! Thx.
hi i have taken a course of HGH and was advised to take 1 iu in the morning before my fasted cardio and then another 1 iu after my afternoon weight training session, i have found this works great for me, but ppl are different what works for one doesnt always work for others! i love HGH just a shame its so pricey!! lol x
this keto diet everyone keeps referring to....what does it consist of? I've googled it but it doesn't give me actual foods. I'm new to the fitness world and don't mind putting in the work but need help!!
I started HGH today, took 1UI and about an hour later felt like I was high on ecstasy(which I havent done since I was 21). Was in the spa getting a pedicure & a song came on I liked and I wanted to get up and start dancing. Kind of scared me actually.
My mouth got kind of dry, and I felt like I was on ephedrine (which I dont like that feeling). I called a body builder friend, and he asked if I had coffee and told me that I am super sensitive while on HGH to anything that I eat or drink.

My boyfriend started 3 days ago and he is taking 2ui a day to start. Other than some swelling in his fingers and a little more energy he doesnt seem to notice the difference.

I guess everyone will notice or react differently, I have a very low tolerance to caffiene, alcohol etc.

My concerns are: will HGH make you keep growing? even with low doses...I'm using it to assist in weight loss, and to give me more energy.

I've never used HGH nor am I an expert with it, but to me it sounds like its just in both of your heads. From what I've heard, you dont feel anything from HGH for weeks MINIMUM and absolutely not your first day.