HGH for women


Hi i am new to this forum but i always check this site for info. I will be starting my second week of HGH tommorow. I am taking 2ius once a day. I work nights so I take it when i get up in the late morning or afternoon. So far no side effects i am not sure if it is supposed to take a while to notice side effects or symptoms. If anyone has info on your experience i would appreciate it:) i am taking it to help with fat loss i am currently 230lbs and used to weigh in at 350lbs. I want to be toned and muscualar not huge for bodybuilding or anything just healthy i want to be a cop. So if anyone has tips i would love to hear it! thanks i'll keep posting as I continue my HGH
wow REALLY???

In the studies I have read on dosing it seems men feel the side effects of HGH more than women leading me to believe a women could easily run a mans common dose of 2iu per day. I agree with phantom about not hitting it before bed though. Perhaprs try 1iu 1st thing in the morening and then 1iu in the early afternoon.

please read this quote from futurescience.com/hgh.html taken from the 'Life Extension Manual'

"Adverse effects from injectable HGH therapy are very rare as long as the amount of HGH used averages 1 unit or less per day. Most physicians familiar with adult HGH replacement therapy believe that 1.5 units per day reaches the point of diminishing returns, and more than 2 units per day begins to put you at some risk of side effects. (The clinical studies that resulted in frequent side effects from HGH used much larger doses. In fact, all of the most frequently-quoted clinical studies have used doses that we now know are ridiculously high doses.) In general, side effects of HGH are very rare in doses of 1 unit per day or less and common in doses above 2 units per day. "

having posted this, i am hoping that anyone who is even considering 'supplementation' will do their due diligence and thoroughly research what it is they are considering and side effects.

these forums are definitely a great tool to see what others 'think' or as a reference to what they have tried. but please be complete with your research... especially when you see so many variables in 'common' dosages! hope this helps!!

keep fit & have fun!
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You were asking about your girl.. not you, so knowing about you is not helping solve the problem.. BASED on what you told us about her, I responded the best way for her.. not you ;)


I have a question for you, here's some info.

My fiance is 26 years old 131lbs (would like to get down to about 110 or less like she used to be), very tiny framed, but has put on about 15lbs in the past year. We are getting married this year and the wedding dress that she bought is hard to fit into at the moment, also we are going to Vegas for a friends wedding in May and she would like to look better along side the other women we are going with.

She works out 5x a week (Curves, Zumba, and cardio), eats great, and does an extra dose of cardio in between. Therefore, she already works hard for it. But, she isn't happy with the results and knows that I take HGH and started inquiring about it for an extra boost for herself.

I am wondering what you think if I started giving her a low dosage (lets say under 1 IU/Daily for about 3-4 months). But I am also wondering if this will mess with her hormones and cause complications for pregnancy down the road, because after all she and our future kids are "MY" future too.

Thanks for any help,
I am currently taking HGH 1 iu a day in morning for about 10 weeks now. I started to hopefully get good benefits from it. I am 50 years old and was feeling lousy. My husband takes it and it seems to work great for him. I still feel lousy, tired, achey and I gained 15 lbs since I started, that is now added to the pounds I already needed to lose. Any opinions ?
I am currently taking HGH 1 iu a day in morning for about 10 weeks now. I started to hopefully get good benefits from it. I am 50 years old and was feeling lousy. My husband takes it and it seems to work great for him. I still feel lousy, tired, achey and I gained 15 lbs since I started, that is now added to the pounds I already needed to lose. Any opinions ?

Hello Teri,
Welcome !

Some women do experience what your going through now, how's your diet/training ?
why don't you open a new thread, you'll get more responses that way, you can post your stats so we can better help you.

Best of luck to you :)
Sorry I took so long to respond, computer problems. My training is building. I have back issues and arthritis. This has prevented me from going crazy for fear of severe pain. I do cardio everyday and dumbells for arms chest upper back. I guess I'm asking for miracles considering I will be limited in how much I can do.
Hello Teri,
Welcome !

Some women do experience what your going through now, how's your diet/training ?
why don't you open a new thread, you'll get more responses that way, you can post your stats so we can better help you.

Best of luck to you :)

This is not a normal reaction to HGH, especially the weight gain.
I am currently taking HGH 1 iu a day in morning for about 10 weeks now. I started to hopefully get good benefits from it. I am 50 years old and was feeling lousy. My husband takes it and it seems to work great for him. I still feel lousy, tired, achey and I gained 15 lbs since I started, that is now added to the pounds I already needed to lose. Any opinions ?

What is the brand of hgh? Is it US pharm. grade? Gaining 15 lbs is not normal. I ran hgh for over 6 months and lost over 15lbs.

What other sides are you experiencing? Please be as specific as possible.
Sorry I took so long to respond, computer problems. My training is building. I have back issues and arthritis. This has prevented me from going crazy for fear of severe pain. I do cardio everyday and dumbells for arms chest upper back. I guess I'm asking for miracles considering I will be limited in how much I can do.


Many women report that the first month when they start HGH they get lots of sides...
while your body is adjusting to the increase in gh, you could feel like if your back in puberty, You could have body aches, swollen and tender breasts, period cramps, heavy period, tired all the time, and feel hungrier.

That's why I asked u about diet & training,
if I felt hungrier & tired I would probably overeat & gain some weight, specially if your training & diet are not in check.

Are u feeling any better yet ?
I'm no expert but I have another perspective. As Teri is double your age and maybe having menopausal symptoms that could be a factor. Maybe go to your doctor and find out if that's the case? If you haven't started eating more it could be hormonal. Just a thought...

What is the brand of hgh? Is it US pharm. grade? Gaining 15 lbs is not normal. I ran hgh for over 6 months and lost over 15lbs.

What other sides are you experiencing? Please be as specific as possible.
I'm no expert but I have another perspective. As Teri is double your age and maybe having menopausal symptoms that could be a factor. Maybe go to your doctor and find out if that's the case? If you haven't started eating more it could be hormonal. Just a thought...

Your right, I didn't realize her age, the weight gain could deffinitely be hormonal... I would follow your advise & get it check out with a doctor.
hgh for women

Mrs. P y ou are right in the side effects of being hungrier, tender breasts, tired and body aches. I had a hysterectomy years ago so period issues don't apply. I think that I am going to give it six months and see what happens. My weight has not increased any more. I will continue to build on my workouts and tighten up the diet even more. My husband suggested trying clen and T3 and see if that works. It's very hard to deal with all this. My husband is a bodybuilder, he competes in masters class not professional yet, he looks fantastic not at all his age. He works very hard and I'm proud of him. But it's tough on me I look and feel way older than my age. It seems like whatever I do not much
Oh, ok - but if your ovaries are still there hormonal issues still could apply. I guess the main issue would be giving your body the fuel it needs to burn fat. If you don't eat right and train right, no amount of drugs or fat burners help. Mrs P is right that you should post up your diet for proper help. If your body doesn't get the nutrients it needs you'll always have hunger issues.

Mrs. P y ou are right in the side effects of being hungrier, tender breasts, tired and body aches. I had a hystere
ctomy years ago so period issues don't apply. I think that I am going to give it six months and see what happens. My weight has not increased any more. I will continue to build on my workouts and tighten up the diet even more. My husband suggested trying clen and T3 and see if that works. It's very hard to deal with all this. My husband is a bodybuilder, he competes in masters class not professional yet, he looks fantastic not at all his age. He works very hard and I'm proud of him. But it's tough on me I look and feel way older than my age. It seems like whatever I do not much
Mrs. P y ou are right in the side effects of being hungrier, tender breasts, tired and body aches. I had a hysterectomy years ago so period issues don't apply. I think that I am going to give it six months and see what happens. My weight has not increased any more. I will continue to build on my workouts and tighten up the diet even more. My husband suggested trying clen and T3 and see if that works. It's very hard to deal with all this. My husband is a bodybuilder, he competes in masters class not professional yet, he looks fantastic not at all his age. He works very hard and I'm proud of him. But it's tough on me I look and feel way older than my age. It seems like whatever I do not much

Teri, I could understand how u feel, now days us girls have so much preassure, from husbands, media..etc, to look a certain way.
You worry about taking care of yourself first & then pleasing others.

Remember to keep focused, and don't let anything bring you down, we get older, our bodies change, we have to, accept it, and work with what we have, ofcourse I'm not saying to give up & be unhappy with the way you look, You can change how you look, is never too late.

He has to recognize all the effort you are doing,
For women it can be harder to loose weight than men,
in my case if I ate 1/3 of what my husband eats, I would probably weigh 40 lbs more than what I weigh now.. lol

One tip I could give u is to remember to drink plenty of water, at least a gallon, water does wonders to the body, keep doing your workouts, challange your body a little more each time, and you will get there, you'll see !!

Best of luck to you !!

Take Care ;)
Oh, ok - but if your ovaries are still there hormonal issues still could apply. I guess the main issue would be giving your body the fuel it needs to burn fat. If you don't eat right and train right, no amount of drugs or fat burners help. Mrs P is right that you should post up your diet for proper help. If your body doesn't get the nutrients it needs you'll always have hunger issues.

Very true Detour, good point :)
A lot of times women tend to not eat enough, specially when trying ot loose weight, If you don't eat enough your body might go into starvation mode.
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I started GH 6weeks ago - 2iu a day. I havent had any sides from it. I am already noticing my stomach seems flatter.. Do I need to inject my hips or will it work its way round?
Hi. I'm 34 yo woman and I wanna start using hgh. I've never done it before.
I don't have any kids but def want to in the future. Does anyone knows if is not a risk? Am I have problems to get pragnent in future?
Hi Terri.
I am in my 50's and on gh so I wanted to share my experience with you.
In the last year I have tried 3 different brands of gh with 3 different sets of side effects. In the beginning I took it eod (every other day) total 10 units a week. The 1st was Jintropin which I loved. It did cause me sleep problems for about 3 weeks but I was so euphoric and woke up with tons of energy I didn't care. The 2nd was Riptropin which caused sleep problems, aggression, bloating and i didn't stay on it long. I felt like I had taken testosterone instead of gh. I am now taking Omnitrope, 1 unit a day. I had some sleeping problems and still wake up every 3 hours. I do have more energy but am not as euphoric as the 1st time. I think if I raised the amount to 10 units a week I'd like it better but it's too expensive for me.

As has been said gh is not a quick fix. It takes my body about 6 weeks to start to see a difference. The 1st thing I notice is increased energy- not a lot but some. Then I notice my recovery time is quicker so I can work out more regularly. It also seems to make me not crave bad food as much. When I combine the energy, recovery time and diet I begin to lose the fat and build muscle.

Hope this help. :)
I couldn't find the thread you posted about HGH. Do you think the side effects outweigh the benefits in women?

Will it over bulk you?