HGH Fragment and normal HGH........


New member
Hello everyone

I haven't used hgh fragment. Many of them told me that hgh fragment the best, its cheap and very useful for fatburning and also for gains. But some others told me that i should used both hgh frag and hgh.

I need to know that should i used both or frag only?

My question is did the hgh frag also gives same gains of normal hgh? If not did i want to use both hgh frag and hgh to get more result?
if your main goal is fat burning then there are better options then hgh frag* , clenbuterol (much faster, cheaper, and more effective)

*hgh frag is just hgh modified to only its fat burning properties (which are not hugely significant)

if by 'gains' your talking mass gains / hypertrophy , your way better off with anabolics; unless your going to use HGH at its advanced level and synergistically use AAS with HGH and insulin together (an advanced protocol not intended for beginners)