Hgh Test Trent cycle with AI advice


New member
I'm 5'10 157# 6.5 % bodyfat extreme ectomorph. Been lifting 5 years started at 135# around 8% Just came from a cut..clean bulking with a macro split 3800 calories 50 30 30 with majority carbs..and gaining have reached 173# with 10.5% bodyfat and plan on a cycle once 170 and 8-8.5% has been acheived.
I've ran test e..a test and tren cycle in the past with limited results due to diet where now that is my focus..I am gyno sore nips sensitive and want to run test email tren for about 3.5 months..looking to gain 14# and keep 8 after pct..I'm looking to run test e and hgh maybe trend again open to suggestions ..oh I'm 35.
Assuming this is not your first run with test or tren as you suggest. If you are Gyno sensitive, I would run test low and tren higher, keep estradiol in check and I personally run caber from the beginning with Tren. Test in the cruise dose range of 200pw and Tren between 75-100 EOD. 3.5 months is a long run with tren, and I'd think you could meet your goal of adding 14#'s in about 8-10 weeks pretty easy, frankly at your current weight you could probably put on 14#'s without gear
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Thanks for the advice test low tren high is what I hear common although I was thinking of running armies from the start..caper I haven't tried...just doing my research for now I'm just natty clean bulking for the next 3-4 months but it never hurts to learn more..too make smarter choices for cycles..