Hgh user looking for help


New member
First off I appreciate any comments that will help I am a new member and would love your input .I got some humatroph in the cartiridge .i don't have the pen but can extract out of the cartridge. My goal is to do three Iu's day . My question is since there is 72 Ius in the cartridge extracting three is very difficult and not accurate .is there any recommendations that anyone has .I was thinking of putting it into an empty bastatic water container and doubling the Amount of water in the vile to be able to extract more and just double the IU amount if that makes sense
First off I appreciate any comments that will help I am a new member and would love your input .I got some humatroph in the cartiridge .i don't have the pen but can extract out of the cartridge. My goal is to do three Iu's day . My question is since there is 72 Ius in the cartridge extracting three is very difficult and not accurate .is there any recommendations that anyone has .I was thinking of putting it into an empty bastatic water container and doubling the Amount of water in the vile to be able to extract more and just double the IU amount if that makes sense

Please introduce yourself and provide your stats and fitness background and goals.

Hgh has to be run for 6 month min to see good results. How long are you planning to run it? Insulin needles are accurate for small injections like growth.
Stats and goals are irrelevant to his question. He's asking how to draw the correct dose from the cartridge....simple question.

OP.....do you know how many mL of water is in the cartridge?
Stats and goals are irrelevant to his question. He's asking how to draw the correct dose from the cartridge....simple question.

OP.....do you know how many mL of water is in the cartridge?

Beg to differ.

Sounds as if he could be thinking about just using this one 72iu kit. Should we advise him how to dose effectively, yet fail to inform him that 72iu alone will do nothing? If he's 18 years old, is that irrelevant? If he wants to gain major mass in 12 weeks on hgh alone is that irrelevant?