Hgh... what's up with different color 'tops'


I am banned!
Psl carries generic 'blue tops' . Other sources have yellow, gray, or black tops. Of course the pharma grade stuff would be gtg, but I ain't rich. Is there any real difference between the different color tops if it all comes from the same source. I'm not looking to get any bigger per se just want to feel better, drop a little bf. Looking younger would be a plus as well
From other threads they all pretty get their raws from tge same place China depends on source how good it is
They don't mean much unless you know the source you are getting them from

There are great "GreyTops" out there right now, but a grey lid on a peptide vial doesn't make it a greytop if that makes any sense
I hear ya Snow... Just not too sure why they just don't call everything hgh that's not pharma stuff just plain ole 'generic' . Why add more confusion with different color tops if it's all generic no name China hgh?
Generic quality varies wildly, hence when there's a reputable brand/source it gets a lot of press (old hyges etc)

Pharma is more consistent but there are still preferred pharm brands for bodybuilding (genos vs less desirable humatrope etc)
if your color blind like me --- it don't fucking matter -- I just inject any and all of that shit, twice a day every day 30 iu a day period,, blue top green top red top all tops,, all looks the same to me!! *

* kidding,, I got prescription HGH sitting in my fridge for the last year or two I still haven't used up.. cause I don't like the color of the top,, my wife told me it was green.. I don't like green, unless it's money.. so no green top for me even though it came from the pharmacy and cost me thousands of dollars.. man, I just don't like green tops,, come on people give me another color please.. gezzz, I paid good money, give me whatever damn color top I want !
if your color blind like me --- it don't fucking matter -- I just inject any and all of that shit, twice a day every day 30 iu a day period,, blue top green top red top all tops,, all looks the same to me!! *

* kidding,, I got przescription HGH sitting in my fridge for the last year or two I still haven't used up.. cause I don't like the color of the top,, my wife told me it was green.. I don't like green, unless it's money.. so no green top for me even though it came from the pharmacy and cost me thousands of dollars.. man, I just don't like green tops,, come on people give me another color please.. gezzz, I paid good money, give me whatever damn color top I want !
Not sure if you're serious
I'd say it was the tren talking, but that in 49er...

Or... Roush injected 49ER, and found GAINZ!

The color of the top is just how the manufacturer differentiates between batches, nothing more. So if you pick up AMAZING blue tops from one UGL, that doesn't mean that blues from another are the same quality by any means.

My .02c :)
Psl carries generic 'blue tops' . Other sources have yellow, gray, or black tops. Of course the pharma grade stuff would be gtg, but I ain't rich. Is there any real difference between the different color tops if it all comes from the same source. I'm not looking to get any bigger per se just want to feel better, drop a little bf. Looking younger would be a plus as well

They are all Garbage man unless you are doing the Pharma grade. I would save my money and get gear instead...