Hi guys, I'm gonna compete in May for a men's physique competition.


New member
Hi guys, I'm gonna compete in May for a men's physique competition. I usually have hard time to get shredded as I want. I use almost everything talking about supplements and my diet and training is at the point. I decided to run some eca and clen.
I'm gonna be tested by wada, I think they use mass spectrometry or something like that.
First of all I really need to know about detection time of ephedrine and clen.
I read many things on the web so I wanna be absolutely sure because of an expensive fee I should pay if I'm gonna be catched.

Thanks in advance
welcome. plesse dont post on someone elses thread, start your own thread from now in, thank you.
Hi, please share your stats, age, weight, height, bf%, cycle history.

why do you want to do a deca clen cycle again?
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I'm 34 yo, 6'1, 209 lb. My bf is something around 10/12%.
I don't use gears for like 6/7 years. In the past I used some ph, win, ox.
Btw I ment ECA not deca.
I was thinking to use 2 weeks ECA+yohimbe, 2 weeks off (I can use only yohimbe), 2 weeks clen, 2 weeks off (only yohimbe). Total 2 months
I read ephedrine and clen work in the same receptors so I need to stop everything when I'm off.
My diet is a very little under maintenance.
My lower abs is where I have the most stubborn fat, the upper body is already lean.
Any suggestion is well accepted!
I'm 34 yo, 6'1, 209 lb. My bf is something around 10/12%.
I don't use gears for like 6/7 years. In the past I used some ph, win, ox.
Btw I ment ECA not deca.
I was thinking to use 2 weeks ECA+yohimbe, 2 weeks off (I can use only yohimbe), 2 weeks clen, 2 weeks off (only yohimbe). Total 2 months
I read ephedrine and clen work in the same receptors so I need to stop everything when I'm off.
My diet is a very little under maintenance.
My lower abs is where I have the most stubborn fat, the upper body is already lean.
Any suggestion is well accepted!

If you are going to be doing the 2 Week On and 2 Week Off Protocol.
Then on your Off Weeks, you should be taking either Benadryl or Ketotifen.
This will Upregulate your Beta-2 Receptors, as both Ephedrine and Clenbuterol will Downregulate them.

For you Lower Abs.
Hanging Knee and Leg Raises will hit them nicely.
Work your Upper Abs 1st, then when they are tired.
Then you Kill the Bottom, as it's Difficult to work the Bottom 1st.
The Upper Abs will Fire 1st, so this is why you need to Tire them out............................. JP
When you think you can't do another Rep on either the Hanging Knee Raise or Hanging Straight Leg Raise.
Then Switch to Garhammer Raises ~ Look on YouTube if you aren't sure what I'm talking about.
Don't think he's taking deca......he says it's "eca" which he says is ephedrine. I don't know anything about ECA