Has anybody ever experienced a jump in their libido with the use of Deca. I ask because a couple months ago I switched from using Europharm to AML test c, and I decided to try some Deca. Ive never tried Deca before I've always been an EQ guy. Well ill say my libido went through the roof, I mean crazy. I wanted to fuck 5 times a day if my wife would let me, but the big thing was I could blow my load stay hard and go for round two without stopping. Now I'm 40 years old and this has not happened to me in a long time, probably a decade or more.
At first I thought it was probably the test, maybe better quality or higher dose or what have you but I'm going to start PCT in two weeks so I came off the Deca 2 weeks ago Im I'm starting to feel more normal now. Never heard of this with the use of Deca, always was worried about Deca dick.
At first I thought it was probably the test, maybe better quality or higher dose or what have you but I'm going to start PCT in two weeks so I came off the Deca 2 weeks ago Im I'm starting to feel more normal now. Never heard of this with the use of Deca, always was worried about Deca dick.