Hi my name is Alex .. I'm new here and I have a question about using deca durobolin


New member
Hi my name is Alex .. I'm new here and I have a question about using deca durobolin and test. ... I want to know if I can use deca durobolin 50 mg with testosterone enanthate 250 mg together. .. I know maybe I'm not gona gain as fast as if I used deca 300 mg but I want to know if is safe to use lower deca miligrams and higher on test. .. please I need a answer before I start using it thanks
Welcome to the site, can you share your stats please, cycle history, age, weight, bf%,height, cycle goals etc.
50mg of deca a week ?! no, that is pointless and not worth the hpta shut down that it will do to you . guys take up to 100mg of Deca PER DAY , not 50 per week
Welcome Alex :wavey:

Buy your Q's it is VERY apparent that you need to lean much more. Asking about 50mgs of Deca and only 250mgs of test tells me you need to learn much more about the steroid profiles. You're way off in understanding Deca.

SO I will advise you to read much more. Read all the sticky's on this forum. Read up and learn much more about the steroid profiles. If you knew more your Q;s RE: Deca would have been answered. But Ok man ya gotta start somewhere and this is the best place.

Remember it helps us to help you and answer your Q's if we know more about you and your body wth some history of training.

So beginning with your COMPLETE STATS:
BF% best you know
Training history n years.

This is valuable info for us to use in making ANY recommendations to you to help you. That's what we do here, WE learn and pas it on. Vast experience and knowledge on this forum.

Good luck