definitely go with a SERM. otc products may work but its doubtful they will work as well as a serm. clomid, imo, is worth the sides you'll endure. its what i used for my first post cycle therapy (pct). I'll be using nolva for my next. I would like to see if i get less sides and get to feeling better at around the same rate.
I definitely recommend hella as a first cycle of ph/ds. it will give you less bloat and given you have a solid pct, diet and training habits, you'll keep most of the gains. It's a versatile steroid. You can bulk on it or recomp if you want depending on your diet. its mild on sides - i got no acne and only a little bit of lethargy towards the end of the cycle. just a solid supp.
People will also recommend epi as a first cycle. Its supposed to be easier on sides and still give you crazy strength and good lean mass gains.
whatever you choose make sure you do lots of research on the compound and get everything prepared before hand. I researched for months before even thinking about really taking anything in particular. its not something you want to jump right into.