Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Anavar


New member
Hey guys, first post on ology, been reading threads on all sorts for ages but ive just come across some pro hormones (in the title) at a surprisingly cheap price : $45 for 180 tabs. was just wondering if anyone had heard of or tried this product or read many reviews on it, I cant seem to find anything. All help is appreciated.
i don't think its actually a pro hormone...

here's a little bit of reference for it
25-R, Spirostan-5A-Diol-6-one-3-one..?

honeslty i hope you didn't buy it. i would pass and get some real DS instead. if it sounds too good to be true and you can't find any logs supporting it, then it probably IS too good to be true. i wouldn't ever buy a product that didn't have any real world results behind it.
ahh really
heres the actual product im looking at nutritiondome.com/anavar.html

and god no i didnt already buy it haha, definately needed to look up on it first
i mean it looks like another one of those sups that would be a decently effective OTC supp if dosed properly.

its creatine, an NO product and a "phytosterol"

but 3 tabs only have 2g or "proprietary blend"... it takes at least 5g for creatine to be effective... see the problem here? and the 1900mg proprietary blend could be mostly rice flour. its not regulated like pharmaceutical products so they can say anything and put their "proprietary blend" statement in there and they don't have to disclose the proportions or true amounts of the product.

it would be the most wasteful 30 dollars anyone has ever spent... probably...
I see, so basically its a small amout of creatine and some other bull**** ingredients that do next to nothing? :S

thanks for the help ill have a talk to the guy today
Just to toss some more in. I read online this company is basically snake oil and they label it with steroid names to trick people. Hell they almost got me until I stumpled across the article, I'll see if I can find it again.
yeah i seem to keep finding more and more more information turning me away from them now haha

they guy i was going to get this off is currently trying it out atm, might wait a couple of weeks and get a personal review from him, hes a trustworthy guy so ill take his word but definately doing some more research
great point, the product may well infact have some sort of benefits, although these benefits are most likely not what the company claims them to be, which is what i was trying to get at with this thred. i wasnt saying anything against pro hormones or natural supplements i was just asking whether or not the product gives the results it claims to give
pretty sure that was a spambot trying to sell you something.

honestly some things work, but they have to be present in significant amounts. this isn't one of those products - unless you want to super dose it (like 12 pills a day - and then its not even cost effective) then it *might* do something but probably not.

I'm sorry if you want to take it. there are much better products if you're looking for a ph/ds.
ahh true

and nah i wasnt to fussed on whether i got the product or not, it did seem to be too good to be true, looking into beastdrol atm
beast is for real... as well as all the NTBM supps... if this is your first go round, i'd recommend helladrol. its not really as "advanced" as they say and works great at a 75mg dose. from what I've heard beast (superdrol) is a bitch for sides;

you'll need a real post cycle therapy (pct) since these are real steroids. just legal ;)
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so you recon hella over beast?

and yeah posted a thread on aas forum about beast post cycle therapy (pct) today, most people are saying go with an SERM but im not sure which one would be best as of yet
definitely go with a SERM. otc products may work but its doubtful they will work as well as a serm. clomid, imo, is worth the sides you'll endure. its what i used for my first post cycle therapy (pct). I'll be using nolva for my next. I would like to see if i get less sides and get to feeling better at around the same rate.

I definitely recommend hella as a first cycle of ph/ds. it will give you less bloat and given you have a solid pct, diet and training habits, you'll keep most of the gains. It's a versatile steroid. You can bulk on it or recomp if you want depending on your diet. its mild on sides - i got no acne and only a little bit of lethargy towards the end of the cycle. just a solid supp.

People will also recommend epi as a first cycle. Its supposed to be easier on sides and still give you crazy strength and good lean mass gains.

whatever you choose make sure you do lots of research on the compound and get everything prepared before hand. I researched for months before even thinking about really taking anything in particular. its not something you want to jump right into.
^ great post thanks heaps

and yeah ive been researching for about 2 months now reading threads everyday and am only just now thinking of actually buying some products, will read up more on hella in the next couple of days and hopefully make a decision once i have enough information

one last question, are any basic liver supplements ok to take on hella?
some people take liver supps, but i differ here... you're only taking oral AAS for 6 weeks max (or at least you should) and people take methlyated meds FOR LIFE without liver issues...

so its my conclusion that i'm not going to waste the 40 or 50 bucks for liver supps throughout the cycle when they haven't actually been proven to do anything that i have seen.

that being said drink tons of water and as long as you keep fluids moving through your body you should be fine. However this is my own opinion and goes against the grain of many that use oral AAS. but i have yet to see significant scientific studies that support the "milk thistle" bullshit that people say or even real anecdotal evidence (which IMO is more important). Just broscience on this one.

to each his own, use them if you're really worried.
wow havnt seen that aproach before but seems incredibly logical

ive got another thread on the AAS forum on beastdrol post cycle therapy (pct) and i just post asking what other peoples thoughts on this concept was

thanks again for your help :)