High Blood Pressure after 2 injection?


New member
I just started my first cycle. I've had 2 pins on Thursday/Monday of only Test E 100mg each pin. Today is Thursday and am due for my 3rd pin. I have been taking asin 12.5 mg EOD starting the first day. Information about my self - I'm 43, 6'-2", 202 lbs and about 18%BF. I have been training for 5 years and recently was tested had have low T. My BP went from 122/78 on Monday to 145/93 on Wednesday. I feel terrible, slight headache, no energy in the gym, may face feels warm. What's going on here? Could my estrogen be high already? Should I increase my asin to everyday? Why the blood pressure so soon?
How many times have you had a high reading? I jist dont see it happening that quick, perhaps your under stress or have other issues going on? 3rd pinn i just dont see that being the cause where do you check it? CVS and other stores machines are worthless i get crazy inconsistent readings all the time. Last year i didnt have a gym and use to walk everyday that really impacted me in a good way but i stopped now i have to be checking it lol
Yes I check it at the store machines. Leading up to the start of my cycle I checked it a couple times a week and always got about the same reading. I have no stress in my life new or other wise, great family, great business all doing good. Yesterday I checked it at 10am it was 130/81 then at 4pm it was 145/93. I feel like I have pressure with the hot face and headache. So you feel that it too soon for high E2? Should I wait a day before my next pin and see what happends?
So this could just be caused by nerves. So my nerves could cause my BP to go up?

Absolutely. Once I got a high reading and started worrying about it, it always seemed to read high at the Dr's office. I've had to start and stop BP meds several times as I've changed jobs...so I know stress in my life plays into the reading quite a bit as well.

This thread caught my eye as mine has been doing really good the last couple of months but was through the roof during my morning check today. I'm getting married in 12hrs so I guess that's to be expected...
I could be wrong but i almost wanna say its impossible that soon and only 100mg injections. All i know is sometimes the machime tells me 160/93 i check again and its 130/ 82 stupid shit like that just keep checking theres lots of natural supps like garlic apple cider vinegar aspirin low dose jusr look into it. I always keep lisinopril around for emergencies when i blast.
I agree. I'm not a Doc but I can't imagine 100mg causing that. 5mg cialis a day lowers mine a bit and seems to even it out. I always have lisinopril on hand as well but I wouldn't start using it over one reading like OP's. I wouldn't worry too much but keep an eye on it.
Why are you on TRT? Is this through a doctor or are you self-treating?

Also, I would recommend purchasing a home blood pressure monitor. They are pretty cheap. Just do some reading on amazon or someplace to find one with good reviews.
Absolutely. Once I got a high reading and started worrying about it, it always seemed to read high at the Dr's office. I've had to start and stop BP meds several times as I've changed jobs...so I know stress in my life plays into the reading quite a bit as well.

This thread caught my eye as mine has been doing really good the last couple of months but was through the roof during my morning check today. I'm getting married in 12hrs so I guess that's to be expected...

^^^ Second that !! Also, what are you doing here man ? Go get married lol... Congratz :-)
This isn't thru a doctor, I'm self treating. I wanted to start out with a TRT level to see how I react. I didn't want to go right to 500mg per week right from the start. So far not so good as I feel terrible. I appreciate any in put
This isn't thru a doctor, I'm self treating. I wanted to start out with a TRT level to see how I react. I didn't want to go right to 500mg per week right from the start. So far not so good as I feel terrible. I appreciate any in put
You pribably dont even need aromasin thats not alot of test if you feel horrible id start to question my test vial either that you have another issue going on do you take anything else we dont know about?
Yes I check it at the store machines. Leading up to the start of my cycle I checked it a couple times a week and always got about the same reading. I have no stress in my life new or other wise, great family, great business all doing good. Yesterday I checked it at 10am it was 130/81 then at 4pm it was 145/93. I feel like I have pressure with the hot face and headache. So you feel that it too soon for high E2? Should I wait a day before my next pin and see what happends?

thats your first problem.. u used one of those damn store machines... get a real blood pressure reading..

when i use the store machine it shows me at 190/110 lol.. why? because my arms too big for the cuff.. and those things are horribly inaccurate
thats your first problem.. u used one of those damn store machines... get a real blood pressure reading..

when i use the store machine it shows me at 190/110 lol.. why? because my arms too big for the cuff.. and those things are horribly inaccurate

This is true. Get old fashioned reading rather than those machines. They r terrible for guys with decent sized arms. I've had the 180 over 110 ish readings before too.

Otherwise, "white coat hypertension" is recognized and taken into consideration at the Dr office. If they are worried about consistently high readings they will give you an ambulatory bp monitor to wear for a day or so and capture readings/hr etc.
This isn't thru a doctor, I'm self treating. I wanted to start out with a TRT level to see how I react. I didn't want to go right to 500mg per week right from the start. So far not so good as I feel terrible. I appreciate any in put

What was your natural TT at prior to starti g TRT? Were you hypogonadal?
i love going to my docs office and having the assistant trying to put a regular adult cuff on my arm..

i just look at her weird and then say, do u think that cuff is the right size?? look at my arm.. do you think you'll get the right reading??

lmao.. i was a medic for years..... so i let a nurse get an earful when she makes a stupid mistake
OP - if your using crappy gear that could possibly contain toxins,, that could make you feel like crap and elevate BP
The only number my doctor had was I think "free test" the number was 1.68. He asked me if I still get "good wood" which I do. He said then we will do nothing.
The only number my doctor had was I think "free test" the number was 1.68. He asked me if I still get "good wood" which I do. He said then we will do nothing.

So you put yourself on TRT for the rest if your life and you don't even know if you have low T? Seriously?
I don't take anything else and am in perfect heath. I have 2 vials, I was thinging of taking my next shot from the other one. I may also hold off on the asin see if that's it. My gear comes from the best source in Canada, all good reviews, also brand has good reviews