For those who have known me for a while, you probably already know this, for those of you who don't, you might find this little story interesting.
This was originally posted on another board on July 23, 2002.
Anyways, here is the original post;
I thought that I would share this with you all so hopefully you can avoid what has happened to me.
High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because often it displays no symptoms and can lead to stroke and heart disease.
First, a little background info on myself. I am 44, 5’10”, 225 lbs. Approx. 12 –14 % bf.
Have being training for 12 yrs, last 4 very serious. Have done 2 cycles, last on consisting was;
Wk 1 – 3, 100 mg Testolents EOD
Wk 1-9, 300 mg Organon Deca
Wk 1-10, 558 mg Testoviron Depot
Wk 7 -12, 50 mg Zambon Winstrol (winny) every 36 hours
1 mg armidex EOD
About half way through this cycle, I started getting short of breath & noticed a slight tightening in my chest. No big deal I thought, maybe just bordering on over training.
Two weeks after above cycle ended, shortness of breath was pretty well gone, but the tightening sensation in my chest was a little more pronounced, so I made a visit to the Medi Centre to get things checked. My bp was 170/100. He sent me for chest x-rays and an ECG that day, as well as starting me on bp meds. The results took about a week to come back, x-ray was ok. ECG was abnormal. Bp now was 160/110. An appointment was scheduled with a Internal Med Specialist to get a stress test done as well as he started me on a beta-blocker.
To make a long story short, I had a nuclear stress test done that showed that my left ventricle was enlarged. The specialist figures that the high bp , combined with heavy lifting (increases bp too) caused this. Steroids never entered into the conversation at all. Basically in laymen’s terms this means at present my heart is only working at 66% efficiency.
He also told me that if we keep my bp under control, start some cardio and ease up on the weights, that my heart should return to normal. But the more that this enlargement happens, the weaker the heart muscle becomes, eventually leading to congestive heart failure.
I guess the moral of this story is, it is very, very important to monitor your blood pressure, whether on cycle or not. They don’t call it the “silent killer” for nothing.
I would highly recommend that everyone invest in a bp machine and religiously monitor their bp. I just got a top of the line model and it only cost $110 Cdn, a very small price to pay as compared to one’s life.
BTW, I have never had high bp before and I don’t blame steroids, this could have happened without ever touching AAS, which makes checking your bp whether on cycle or not very important.
This was originally posted on another board on July 23, 2002.
Anyways, here is the original post;
I thought that I would share this with you all so hopefully you can avoid what has happened to me.
High blood pressure is often called the “silent killer” because often it displays no symptoms and can lead to stroke and heart disease.
First, a little background info on myself. I am 44, 5’10”, 225 lbs. Approx. 12 –14 % bf.
Have being training for 12 yrs, last 4 very serious. Have done 2 cycles, last on consisting was;
Wk 1 – 3, 100 mg Testolents EOD
Wk 1-9, 300 mg Organon Deca
Wk 1-10, 558 mg Testoviron Depot
Wk 7 -12, 50 mg Zambon Winstrol (winny) every 36 hours
1 mg armidex EOD
About half way through this cycle, I started getting short of breath & noticed a slight tightening in my chest. No big deal I thought, maybe just bordering on over training.
Two weeks after above cycle ended, shortness of breath was pretty well gone, but the tightening sensation in my chest was a little more pronounced, so I made a visit to the Medi Centre to get things checked. My bp was 170/100. He sent me for chest x-rays and an ECG that day, as well as starting me on bp meds. The results took about a week to come back, x-ray was ok. ECG was abnormal. Bp now was 160/110. An appointment was scheduled with a Internal Med Specialist to get a stress test done as well as he started me on a beta-blocker.
To make a long story short, I had a nuclear stress test done that showed that my left ventricle was enlarged. The specialist figures that the high bp , combined with heavy lifting (increases bp too) caused this. Steroids never entered into the conversation at all. Basically in laymen’s terms this means at present my heart is only working at 66% efficiency.
He also told me that if we keep my bp under control, start some cardio and ease up on the weights, that my heart should return to normal. But the more that this enlargement happens, the weaker the heart muscle becomes, eventually leading to congestive heart failure.
I guess the moral of this story is, it is very, very important to monitor your blood pressure, whether on cycle or not. They don’t call it the “silent killer” for nothing.
I would highly recommend that everyone invest in a bp machine and religiously monitor their bp. I just got a top of the line model and it only cost $110 Cdn, a very small price to pay as compared to one’s life.
BTW, I have never had high bp before and I don’t blame steroids, this could have happened without ever touching AAS, which makes checking your bp whether on cycle or not very important.