High Blood Pressure - "the Silent Killer" - a true story

Just buy a stethescope and your own cuff. I dont think they are that much. My aunt (nurse) bought me one for my birthday a couple years ago.

You can take your BP 10x a day if you like.
This is the first post i have looked at and i am glad you are aware of this potential problem, that is the relationship between gear and elavated bp. It is for real and the gear can raise the bp on anybody. Everytime i mention it somebody shrugs there shoulders or acts like a dumbass like there is no such problem. There is one other thing to be mindful of as the brotha already mentioned the in house machines may not be that accurate (CVS, Wallmart). They have to calibrated regularly or they get off esily. Sooo if you want you can buy some machines to use at home and the more expensive ones are accurate. This is what i do because high bp runs in my family. If you find yours to be elevated it is wise to get on a med or meds that include, Beta Blockers, calcium Channel Blockers, ACE Inhibitors. As already mentioned it is the silent killer. :cool: :D
Damn StoneCold, this is the kind of reporting I was talking about in my thread. Thanks a lot for helping out the community with this informative post!
This post is sooooo incredibly important and IMO should be bumped once every 6-9 months.....but not stickied.....stickys just don't get read!

Monitoring blood pressure is an integral part of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use.
Stone, good post. The good news is that you caught it early enough. Your ejection fraction of 66% is great and would actually be considered in the normal range...60% - 75%. If you hadn't caught it when you did the heart woulda gotten bigger (and less efficient) and that number coulda dropped significantly lower. A great caution for those considering the use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and more so for those considering "fat burners" such as clen, ephedrine, etc. Using those blindly without monitoring your BP, especially at our age, would be downright stupid
Good thread. I've started to worry about my blood pressure lately. Within the past two years of my Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use, I've started to get horrible headaches. For myself, this is shocking because it's rare for me to get any sort of headache whatsoever. A coworker told me that I should check my blood pressure. I did, and it's at 135/88. A little too high to feel comfortable. I need to do some more reading to figure out how to get it back in check.
Fuck Stone Old........sorry to hear that bro. I'm def gonna stay on top of my lipid profiles and blood pressure. I'll learn from your boo boo bro.

Great read.
This should be a sticky. I don't think some people realize the importance of getting checked before and after a cycle. A stick should be up on exactlly whats test should be done Before , during and after each cycle.
It runs in my family as well and has been something I have been monitoring for a number of years. Cholesterol is a major factor for me and as long as I keep a consistent cardio regimen and clean diet it is always in check.