High Blood Pressure - "the Silent Killer" - a true story

bump, awesome post my friend. Can never learn to much. Thanks for the share I will invest in time to monitor my blood pressure.
Me Too...I had the same exact symptoms you had. 190/110. Seems to spike during post cycle therapy (pct). On an ace inhibitor only. I would like to add a beta blocker, as I still go up to 148/85. I cannot take HCT, as it TEARS UP my shoulder tendons. GREAT POST BTW!
I also found out that I have an enlarged left ventricle. Had the same test you mentioned, I told my doctor about my steroid usage which has been off and on for the last 18yrs. He asked me if I work out heavy and I told him that has been the way I've worked out ever since I started working out. I even told him that I also used HGH, he said that the steroid usage probably had and effect on my ventricle being enlarged but he mostly blamed it on heavy lifting.

I don't have high blood pressure, I just wanted to get things checked out because I just didn't feel right sometimes, meaning I would feel like my heart would have a heart beat that was extra hard where I could actually feel it beat for that one beat harder then the rest. But when that would happen it would trigger my anxiety and make me feel like a had a shortness of breath for a split second.

I didn't some research and found out that it is very common for people that take steroids to develope an enlarged left ventricle.

He also told me that if we keep my bp under control, start some cardio and ease up on the weights, that my heart should return to normal. But the more that this enlargement happens, the weaker the heart muscle becomes, eventually leading to congestive heart failure.

I also have a naturally high BP, but I didnt know cardio could help? Isnt it adding more stress?

I ran some gay ass prohormone bullshit (cyclo stanozolol) from sdi labs a while ago and my heart started doing that "single extra hard beat" that micro described. It happened multiple times a day, every day. Sometimes I even got a slight feeling of tightness on my chest.

I started supplementing carnitine and vitamin shoppe's "heart support" supplement and the whole deal disappeared in a matter of a week or so. I didnt get my bp measured then, but every time I do so now, it's never higher than 140/80. Should I worry about having an enlarged ventricle?

I ran some gay ass prohormone bullshit (cyclo stanozolol) from sdi labs a while ago and my heart started doing that "single extra hard beat" that micro described. It happened multiple times a day, every day. Sometimes I even got a slight feeling of tightness on my chest.

I started supplementing carnitine and vitamin shoppe's "heart support" supplement and the whole deal disappeared in a matter of a week or so. I didnt get my bp measured then, but every time I do so now, it's never higher than 140/80. Should I worry about having an enlarged ventricle?
I have heard of this sdi labs!!!!
They say they make 'steroid analogues'!!!!
I would not trust em!!!!
Some roids do not affect blood pressure!!!!

I ran some gay ass prohormone bullshit (cyclo stanozolol) from sdi labs a while ago and my heart started doing that "single extra hard beat" that micro described. It happened multiple times a day, every day. Sometimes I even got a slight feeling of tightness on my chest.

I started supplementing carnitine and vitamin shoppe's "heart support" supplement and the whole deal disappeared in a matter of a week or so. I didnt get my bp measured then, but every time I do so now, it's never higher than 140/80. Should I worry about having an enlarged ventricle?

you should go have an EKG done at your doctor's office, it is not expensive and very quick. the Dr. will be able to see any hypertrophy via EKG. He/she may order a stress test or an echocardiocram for better imaging.

sounds like you are having PVC's, preventricular contractions. very common, most people have them some people feel them, most dont.

as far as your blood pressure goes, you are considered prehypertensive. i dont think you would have an enlarged left ventricle from a short cycle, even if your BP was higher than it is now.

Always a good idea to get it checked though, cant put a price tag on your health
funny i just did mine and it read 204 over 86....so im a lil scared..but have to figure out what gear is causeing it or what mix..i need to slow down on
Great post thanks for sharing ... Good to hear you are on the mend.

I am going to get mine checked today again after reading that ... mine is slightly elevated but was told to get it checked out a few times in a month for accuracy.
Just thought I'd bump this.......

I realized I was pre-hypertensive back in 07, and I didn't get my diet in check like I should have. I was 135 over 88 back then.

Now I'm 143 over 92. It's slowly creeping up, and this is with NO aas. :nonono2:

Not terrible, but definitely not good.

Don't fuck around, ladies and gentlemen! Check your blood pressure!
Another bump here. I have just done my last jab of a 10 week test only cycle, starting winstrol tablets this week for 6 weeks then obviously post cycle therapy (pct). Yesterday I started with this "single extra hard beat" that has been mentioned here. I can only associate this with the extra weight gained in result of the usage of aas and lack of exercise/cardio. If im busy i dont notice it but as soon as i stop its there straight away. Now i know what it is, it has relieved the stress slightly, however, will this go away when i stop the course and do more exercise which will in turn lower my BP? Some advice would be great here, thanks guys.
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Bump this thread!!! I just went to an ordinary yearly with my primary doc and they did 3 readings, all came back very high. I have to look at the readings again to see exactly what they were.., but my doc wants me to where a device to monitor my blood pressure for a little bit. Over the past year and a half, I've missed a ton of doc appts also. I can imagine this may have started a while ago and I just didn't pay any attention. Hopefully just a lesson to stay reg with the doc and keep my shit in check. Thanks for this info stone cold..even if it was 10 yrs ago!!

So in honor of my recent findings, I thought this was a good time to re-bump this thread.
Interesting read.

I have a monitor at home that I recently purchased.
However, I am not sure, how accurate the readings are...

2 weeks ago I was in the hospital to have some xrays done.
My BP in the hospital was 113 / 73.
At home it's always around 145 / 70...

I don't have 16" arms... LOL more like 14.5.

Any thoughts?