High calorie intake but still not gaining!

What is your stats man?

Curious how tall, heavy, and lean?
6'7", (guessing as I'm not stepping on the scale until after the bulk) 295lbs, between 12-13% body fat as I do have my upper abs visible, but no clear striations other than my delts and upper pecs.

I have a similar problem lol. I know people find it hard to believe, but I take in about 6000 cals a day too. Whenever I post this, ppl usually call BS too. Makes me annoyed cause what do I get out of braging about eating more. Wtf... /snip
I hope you aren't saying I'm calling bs on Hypnotix consuming that many calories, I was warning him if anything. :wiggle:
6'7", (guessing as I'm not stepping on the scale until after the bulk) 295lbs, between 12-13% body fat as I do have my upper abs visible, but no clear striations other than my delts and upper pecs.

I hope you aren't saying I'm calling bs on Hypnotix consuming that many calories, I was warning him if anything. :wiggle:
holy shit 6ft7!!?? Your fucken tall! I bet you can lift me up and do naughty things with me..... i wonder if we both have the same trouble areas like in the belly i could kind of see my upper abs but the soft muscle i have is covering the rest lol
Interesting topic. Im tall as fuck too. Lower ab visibility os non existant even at 10%. Lots of fat on chest too.
holy shit 6ft7!!?? Your fucken tall! I bet you can lift me up and do naughty things with me..... i wonder if we both have the same trouble areas like in the belly i could kind of see my upper abs but the soft muscle i have is covering the rest lol
Interesting topic. Im tall as fuck too. Lower ab visibility os non existant even at 10%. Lots of fat on chest too.

Same here chest fat but when im pumped and standing its not really that obvious, being tall isnt ideal for a bodybuilder but i plan on fighting this shit until i get rid of it lol
Same here chest fat but when im pumped and standing its not really that obvious, being tall isnt ideal for a bodybuilder but i plan on fighting this shit until i get rid of it lol

I hear that.. I can't wait to get into the cut. Gonna run a log of GW for SarmSearch it looks like, should get a 30day supply for that and that should help move things along a bit. When it comes time though of course.. gotta maintain for a while per 3Js orders :D

So anxious to not be fat.. sure you all have been there..
holy shit 6ft7!!?? Your fucken tall! I bet you can lift me up and do naughty things with me..... i wonder if we both have the same trouble areas like in the belly i could kind of see my upper abs but the soft muscle i have is covering the rest lol
Oh, I'm planning the naughty things riiiiiight now. My problem is loose skin blocking out my lower abs. I'm going to *gasp* do some core work this blast to see if I can't bring them out a little more for the following cut.

Interesting topic. Im tall as fuck too. Lower ab visibility os non existant even at 10%. Lots of fat on chest too.

Upper pecs are razor defined, lower pecs took FOREVER to get that sloppy outline to go away. Odd note: my nipples are ALWAYS erect. :eek:
I'm still very confused as to what can even cause someone not to gain a massive amount of weight at 6000 kcals. Even for a big bodybuilder that is a maintenance diet and op is much smaller than one of those mass monsters. Has to be some sort of tracking error there.
Oh, I'm planning the naughty things riiiiiight now. My problem is loose skin blocking out my lower abs. I'm going to *gasp* do some core work this blast to see if I can't bring them out a little more for the following cut.

Upper pecs are razor defined, lower pecs took FOREVER to get that sloppy outline to go away. Odd note: my nipples are ALWAYS erect. :eek:

You went too far with the nipple part. Hopefully you and 49'er don't meet in real life. Lots of strange sexual tension there..
I'm still very confused as to what can even cause someone not to gain a massive amount of weight at 6000 kcals. Even for a big bodybuilder that is a maintenance diet and op is much smaller than one of those mass monsters. Has to be some sort of tracking error there.

You know, considering you're like the 15th person to say it lol and I didn't list my macros until like the 10th person.. wouldn't you think I had refined my tracking and looked over everything just to make sure it was correct before posting my numbers for everyone to see?

I'm literally not joking about the numbers. I made mention that I do fuck up, and miss or eat irregularly here and there, or cheat instead! :P But, I'm so beyond a typical surplus that even with a single mess up per week I should still be wayyyyy over my maintenance.

I completely understand your angle.. because it's really fucking simple to gain and lose. Calories in vs. Calories out.

Just gotta wait it out for post cycle blood work..
I believe you about the macros, no question there. Its either one of three things i believe. Either your thyroid issue is having a negative effect on you mantaining, your test levels are very low due to not recovering or the right foods arent being eating.

I spent years when I first started lifting eating calories like that even more at time and couldnt gain a pound (found out later i was hypogonadal). Even once that issue was resolved i still had to be very in tune with what my body liked to be fed and how it responded to certain foods.

Just for an example, you always hear eggs and oats for breakfast, well the fact of the matter is that might be good for some people but not for others. Just because you eat x amount of protein doesnt mean the sources your eating are the best for your body. Same goes with carbs.

Another example is some guys find a fattier cut of red meat to be great as a last or close to last meal due to the protein and fat. Well you might find that a chicken breast with an avocado might suit you better and that red meat doesnt work for you, you understand what Im saying here brother?

I had years where i couldnt very many complex carbs due to indigestion and getting very bloated, so i ate quicker digesting starchier carbs. Just recently ive been able to get in the complex carbs throughout the day withouy any issue. So just like you not doing well on certain foods your might one day realize something that worked all of a sudden doesnt or visa versa.

And that could easily be the culprit, eating the wrong foods for YOU causing digestion issues and not allowing you to actually use the foods you eat. That is a key thing a lot of people dont pay enough attention to, digestion of foods. How the fuck are you supposed to utilize the nutrients of the foods you eat if theres an issue with digestion.

Do you find you have gastro problems with all that food you eat? Or excess bowel movement?
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I believe you about the macros, no question there. Its either one of three things i believe. Either your thyroid issue is having a negative effect on you mantaining, your test levels are very low due to not recovering or the right foods arent being eating.

I spent years when I first started lifting eating calories like that even more at time and couldnt gain a pound (found out later i was hypogonadal). Even once that issue was resolved i still had to be very in tune with what my body liked to be fed and how it responded to certain foods.

Just for an example, you always hear eggs and oats for breakfast, well the fact of the matter is that might be good for some people but not for others. Just because you eat x amount of protein doesnt mean the sources your eating are the best for your body. Same goes with carbs.

Another example is some guys find a fattier cut of red meat to be great as a last or close to last meal due to the protein and fat. Well you might find that a chicken breast with an avocado might suit you better and that red meat doesnt work for you, you understand what Im saying here brother?

I had years where i couldnt very many complex carbs due to indigestion and getting very bloated, so i ate quicker digesting starchier carbs. Just recently ive been able to get in the complex carbs throughout the day withouy any issue. So just like you not doing well on certain foods your might one day realize something that worked all of a sudden doesnt or visa versa.

And that could easily be the culprit, eating the wrong foods for YOU causing digestion issues and not allowing you to actually use the foods you eat. That is a key thing a lot of people dont pay enough attention to, digestion of foods. How the fuck are you supposed to utilize the nutrients of the foods you eat if theres an issue with digestion.

Do you find you have gastro problems with all that food you eat? Or excess bowel movement?

I'm always gassy, im well known for this actually..and don't always shit daily or even every other day sometimes.
I take a probiotic every day to help.. sometimes it seems to, others not so much.

95% of my carbs are complex..lots of fiber, but there are still some simples.. like a couple fruits.

I typically eat chicken. Never have any immediate problems using that meat. Red meat.. depends. Love fish, it's expensive.. not tuna, I mean like salmon or trout.

Dairy fucks me up for sure. If I splurge and eat ice cream.. I'll have gas, double or triple my normal amount all night, sometimes into the next day. I don't eat it dairy often though, try to avoid it nowadays.
Before I had my thyroid issue taken care of, I would get really really bad sugar drops. I'd get super hot, sweaty, dizzy.. let's just say I'd drive to Wendy's in the dead of winter with my windows down and my shirt off to get a frosty and a baked potato..

I ate bad back then anyway, just an example though.. if I went to eating simple carbohydrates my body will absolutely not do well with the highs and lows. Unless I could eat them constantly to keep it up. I don't have that luxury with my career lol
I work for 2hrs, physical labor and then break for 10 minutes. So I need something that lasts in my stomach for the next two hours that I can eat in 10 minutes, plus chicken lol Simple sugars would have me in a low around an hour to an hour and a half in and I'd be shaking and swearing until I could eat..
Before I had my thyroid issue taken care of, I would get really really bad sugar drops. I'd get super hot, sweaty, dizzy.. let's just say I'd drive to Wendy's in the dead of winter with my windows down and my shirt off to get a frosty and a baked potato..

I ate bad back then anyway, just an example though.. if I went to eating simple carbohydrates my body will absolutely not do well with the highs and lows. Unless I could eat them constantly to keep it up. I don't have that luxury with my career lol
I work for 2hrs, physical labor and then break for 10 minutes. So I need something that lasts in my stomach for the next two hours that I can eat in 10 minutes, plus chicken lol Simple sugars would have me in a low around an hour to an hour and a half in and I'd be shaking and swearing until I could eat..

HYPERthyroidism I can see causing that; have you ever had an HBA1C done to rule out pre-diabetes? Insulin resistance can mess with body recomposition goals too.
HYPERthyroidism I can see causing that; have you ever had an HBA1C done to rule out pre-diabetes? Insulin resistance can mess with body recomposition goals too.

Wouldn't the cause of hyperthyroidism be something very serious like a tumor or something? I am pretty sure that if it is something having to do with thyroid function that op would do well to go visit a doctor to rule out anything serious.
Wouldn't the cause of hyperthyroidism be something very serious like a tumor or something? I am pretty sure that if it is something having to do with thyroid function that op would do well to go visit a doctor to rule out anything serious.

It's honestly hard to say, although a tumor could cause that. I only mentioned it as OP is being treated for hypo.
I'm hypo. And imagine it as not burning fast enough... When I'm not medicated that is. So if I consume loads of carbohydrates, simple sugars in particular my blood sugar will get crazy high and not drop until I stop eating carbs.. when it does come down it's an outrageous drop and causes the issues I've described above.

This is just how my gp described it. Hypo causes sugar problems as well. Huge spikes.
When you drop / crash your sugar fast like that, you go in to a hypoglycemic attack. Not good n dangerous. It happens to Me with my meds for type ll diabetes
I'm hypo. And imagine it as not burning fast enough... When I'm not medicated that is. So if I consume loads of carbohydrates, simple sugars in particular my blood sugar will get crazy high and not drop until I stop eating carbs.. when it does come down it's an outrageous drop and causes the issues I've described above.

This is just how my gp described it. Hypo causes sugar problems as well. Huge spikes.

You really should have your GP run an A1C. I've never heard of a person (I'm not infallible) suffering from diabetic symptoms due to thyroid issues. I say this as a hypothroidic and insulin dependent diabetic.
You really should have your GP run an A1C. I've never heard of a person (I'm not infallible) suffering from diabetic symptoms due to thyroid issues. I say this as a hypothroidic and insulin dependent diabetic.

I really appreciate this insight, I'll get right on it :) need to call my doctor tomorrow! Need to get an xray done of my hips/lower back too.

Thanks HW, and OMM.