there is no mention here of your type of weight training Hypnotix.. this is an important factor when bulking.
if your training for myofribillar hypertrophy then your weight gain will be very very slow, but strength will go up.. if your training for sarcoplasmic hypertrophy then weight will go up quickly, and strength will come on more slowly.
what type of training are you doing-- ?
I did say the past two weeks my training was shitty, but you're right, I didn't make mention of what I'm currently doing or "trying" to follow.
Let's see, before and during cycle I was very strict to 3J's Reverse Pyramid program. It trains to failure at rep ranges high and low, (4 to 20). I'm sure you're familiar, but if not.. here's a basic workout to sum it up.
Bench Press - Warm-up 15 reps to failure, Overload 4-5 reps to failure, Working Set (1) 6 reps to failure, (Working set (2) 8 reps to failure, Superset Burnout Set 20 reps to failure)
Incline Bench - Ditto
Decline Bench - Ditto
Dumbell Flyes - 20 reps (failure) x 3 sets
45 seconds of rest in between sets. Longer for the Overload set usually.
1 second up, 4 seconds down.
That's the breakdown for a single workout done on his program. In my opinion it works just fine.. can't blame that workout for my lack of results. I always use the max weight I can handle at whatever rep range I'm shooting for.
Chest, Back, Shoulders, Legs, Arms, Rest, Rest.
Now, at the tail end of my cycle.. my work picked up. ALOT so I exchanged an every day program for a 3 day program where I literally just combined Chest/Back, Legs/Shoulders, and then still did arms alone. I did not drop any exercises off any original workout.. Instead I just SuperSet Push/Pull. Bench Press and Barbell Row or Lying DB Press and Bent over DB Rows.. I hit all the same weight to failure, if not more, because of the opposing work doing it's "magic".. and still maintained the same rep ranges and normal supersets at the end of each exercise.
If this doesn't make any sense to you, feel free to ask more.
When I was on cycle.. I went about it a little differently once I hit Week 4-5. Instead of going 15, 4, 6, (8,20) SS). I went 15, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15-20. I would modify anywhere from 1-3 exercises volume depending on how I felt after work each night. All still to failure, max weight for the range.. whatever you want to call it.
Thanks for your consideration!