greatly appreciate the advice... i will look into checking Estradiol numbers.
As far at the low T numbers... I remember doing bloodwork at some point in my late 20's and getting the T numbers sort of low. I have also done bloods pre & post each cycle and my T numbers were close to that number i just got ... maybe at some point it recorded 411 once after my 2nd cycle or so. But the T numbers were low even before cycling. Every time i addressed the subject with my doctor, he'd assure me that the numbers are normal and what matters is overall feeling .... and i feel fine. Nothing out of the ordinary. Been lifting for a long time before cycling and i struggled to add mass..i was on the chubby side, but not much muscle mass.
Now that you are telling me that i am close to considering TRT! You go me even more worried. If i were to go see my doctor, he's probably going to tell me the same thing again... "if you FEEL ok then don't worry about it."
If you can't sustain muscle mass without AAS, you may have a low ceiling of potential caused by your low hormone levels, OR you've grown too far beyond your genetic potential. (Potential is relative to hormone levels, and other factors though too..).
You may have a max potential of 210lbs 12% BF with 1100 TT. But only 170lbs 12% BF with 380 TT.
Above examples are fake obviously.. but will give you a general idea of the difference I mean with Potential.. and how it could change with different variables. Your cycling on and off is what's likely keeping you in good shape. Little boost here and there, brings your size up, and you then slowly wittle down from end of PCT to next cycle. Then a boost again. ETC.
If you're not comfortable talking to your doctor about this or he's not qualified to help you (which is what it seems like).. find a doctor who you are, and who is! It's important that you have a doctor who isn't stagnant, who is up to date with his information, and treatment protocols. If you think he's generally okay otherwise.. hang on to him, whatever, just approach different clinics, or endocrinologists with your concerns, and what protocols you've found to work best for people in regards to HRT.
Feeling okay is good. There are other factors to consider though, and if you're really interested in the benefits related to TRT/HRT, there are some amazing guys in the Replacement Therapy section here on the forum, along with some great stickies in there to help you along as well.
When I did 500mg Test for 12 weeks, I felt like a normal person again, then progressed into super normal person

500mg had me at 2200 Trough TT.
When I did 200-250mg Test for 24 weeks, I felt like a normal person again.
250mg had me at 1375 Peak TT.
Just to give you an idea of how I experienced similar effects in different time frames at different doses and such.
Again, check out that TRT section man.. it's got a lot of great people willing to help you. Tons of information for you to find as well! Don't settle for a schmuck, be your own boss and tell them what you need if you have to.
Good luck!