high test dose cycle or adding second compound.


New member
test cycles are still a favorite and was wondering opinions on what people thought of doing a test cycle at 900 mg/week or doing 600mg/week and adding in a second compound like tren at 350mg/week? I've never ran test that high before just wondering from people who have if they felt a good difference.
I'd like to know as well. I would think adding a second compound like Tren would be more beneficial. Tren is 5X stronger than test so imagine running 350mg of Tren a week is like running 1750mg of Test.

I just wonder if there is that huge of a difference in 600-900mg a week as far as muscle growth and strength gains. I know Tren is a beast. My vote would be to add a compound like Tren or Deca
You could even run Masteron along side your Test. It binds very well to your SHBG in turn freeing up more Test and allowing you to utilize more of what you injecting. Some food for thought. Im not sure about the difference between 600 and 900 but I can tell you the difference between 500 and 1G is a lot!
Running multiple compounds can result in a more synergestic effect then test alone (one compound bringing about better effects of the other compound)..

Of course u gotta choose the right ones to work together, like shredder said adding mast, or test, proviron, primo.. But Not test/tren/NPP
It really depends on what you're looking for. While high test-only cycles are great, other AAS bring additional benefits to the mix. Some examples would be like deca/NPP providing joint relief with less aromatization issues, masteron was mentioned above, tren improves feed efficiency and is very anabolic, orals are fast acting and can provide an extra spike in strength/size, EQ is known for red blood cell generation and increasing appetite - the list goes on.

That said, there's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying a nice test cycle. Just be sure to have the appropriate ancillaries on hand when adding other compounds in like a dopamine agonist, or liver protection.

My .02c :)
I've ran tren before and I like it but my side effects from it are in the middle range so I don't enjoy that to much. I think maybe test at 900 mg/week and mast at 400 mg week.
I've ran tren before and I like it but my side effects from it are in the middle range so I don't enjoy that to much. I think maybe test at 900 mg/week and mast at 400 mg week.
I personally wouldnt run Masteron any lower than 600. Ive ran it several times and it starts to shine around 600.