Highest Concentration you have made, of Nandrolone Phenylpropianate?


New member
Hi, the question is in the title, but it relates to a little quandry I have.

Im using only GSO(Grapeseed Oil), not EO or Guaicol & want to know how high of a concentration I can go to, without approaching crash level. I looked at Dtones recipes & it goes to 166mg/ml, but I don't know if GSO will hold that(100, 125, 150 or 200etc)

Its because I want use fewer vials & have fewer injections necessary.

Also, I just pulled the raw for NPP out today & it was a extremely thick, sticky, yellow texture to it(It's been kept at room temperature, away from light). It wasn't a powder, more like halfway between a liquid & a solid.

I doubt it would take 200 F(92-94c) to melt, not sure what it is. It kind of reminds me EQ, before it melts. It was so sticky I couldn't remove it from the plastic bag, so I put it in the fridge. Does this seem familiar to anyone?

The supplier wasn't exactly reliable, so it could be anything. Thanks!
Also, I just pulled the raw for NPP out today & it was a extremely thick, sticky, yellow texture to it(It's been kept at room temperature, away from light). It wasn't a powder, more like halfway between a liquid & a solid.

I doubt it would take 200 F(92-94c) to melt, not sure what it is. It kind of reminds me EQ, before it melts. It was so sticky I couldn't remove it from the plastic bag, so I put it in the fridge. Does this seem familiar to anyone?

The supplier wasn't exactly reliable, so it could be anything. Thanks!

Hey mate,

It sounds like you got Nandrolone Decanoate (melting point 30-35 C / 86-95 F) instead of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Nandrolone Decanoate at hot room temperature is like exactly what you described above.
Hey mate,

It sounds like you got Nandrolone Decanoate (melting point 30-35 C / 86-95 F) instead of Nandrolone Phenylpropionate. Nandrolone Decanoate at hot room temperature is like exactly what you described above.

Thankyou...ugh, Buttman. That helps *a lot*. When I ordered several years ago, I got 2 different powders...it was supposed to be 50g of Nandrolone Decanoate & 50 of NPP. I haven't used either enough to know, but maybe they were switched around.

What's wierd is the other powder didn't crash at 300mg/ml(GSO) & I still have that, *so who knows what that is* since it wasn't yellow, sticky or melty....I think it was your standard white powder. I labeled it regular Deca though.

This supplier was not reliable, could easily feel 50 mg EOD(or 25mg of trenbolone)...but went as high as 290mg of testosterone propianate(EOD..highest I've ever run)& nothing.