HIT High Intensity Training - Arthur Jones- Vets and moderators advice preferred


New member
Hey ya'll, long time member, few time poster.

I've been training for about 5 years now, maybe 3.5-4 with training, mistakes and learning. I started out at 130, went up to 200 in almost 2 years. Plateaued a couple times, switched up workouts like different muscles on different days, and saw good gains. My friend gave me a book to read, it was called high intensity training. Its a book about the training methods of arthur jones (nautilis). Well long story short it basically teaches full body workouts every other day. No leg days, arms days, just full body workouts UNTIL MUSCLE FAILURE FOR EVERY MUSCLE every other day. Since starting this method Im at a lean 185 and just my arms have grown by 3/4 of an inch, in the past 6 months(not using gear). Arthur Jones was a pretty huge player in the bodybuilding world.

Any body else here researched the teachings of Arthur Jones?