Holiday gift ideas.... 3j's nutritional coaching!!!


New member
If you are a fit minded person, or simply anyone that wants to perfect your nutritional intake, than you are probably already signed up with 3j's nutritional network, or if you are not, than you need to be!

But how about those of you that have friends or family that are hard to buy holiday gifts for? Maybe they are complaining that they dont feel good about themselves? Maybe they have tried every "yo-yo" diet on the planet and they just cant get in shape.... What better way to say, "i love you" or "i want to help you", than to buy them a diet package from 3j and let him tailor it directly to their needs!! There you go, guys and gals.... Christmas and new years resolutions made simple! I wouldn't wait till last minute, though. This dude is incredibly swamped and the closer you get to the holidays, the harder it will be to pin him down. (PLUS HE'S GOT LIKE 8 BLACK BELTS IN JUJITSU, SO I DONT THINK PINNING HIM IS EVEN AN OPTION)! LOL