Holy shit Osta!!!!

Osta in low doses seems to work best for those running a post cycle therapy (pct) protocol. Those looking for more of bridge can run osta in a higher dose. We have seen great preliminary results in research setting by stacking GW-1516 and Osta-Gain Max. Total body recomp effects fast, can't wait for other research to come in.

This was on a shitty diet:

Well as long as I was on Osta I was keeping my gains and strength but as soon as I stopped I started loosing both size and strength.

So osta does help a lot even on a shitty diet. I'm going to go back on it after my cycle :)

not bad results at all even on a bad diet.very nice results.
Ok so I've been using Osta for a good amount of time now...like a six to eight weeks and for the this amount of time my life has been hell. Not because of the osta but because of college, work, moving, drama and bunch of other shit. So my diet has been kinda shitty, well really shitty. Like I wasn't hitting my protein intake and my carb intake was pasta and I was mixing carbs and fat and blah blah blah chips and blah blah blah junk food. Anyways I've been freaking out cause I thought my body fat had to be super high now and I haven't even started to really bulk so I've been like RAGEFACE*

So yesterday I took a look in the mirror and as I was able to ask the man in the mirror to change I noticed that I could still kinda see my abs. Well I measured my waist and it was the same size as it was 8 weeks ago before all this shit started. Like DAMN! Osta is the only thing I'm on and I have been using a oral syringe to measure cause I'm in a hurry in the morning so I eye 25mg but I think I'm actually getting a lot less. Like around 12 probably but I would rather aim low than high and suppress my shit before I start my cycle. Anyways this stuff is AWESOME! and I'm fucking loving it!!!!

Oh and my joints feel a lot better. I haven't taken any joint supplements since I've started this stuff, well actually 2 weeks before I started, and I have massive joint problems but after a while I couldn't feel anything anymore. Totally worth the $90 and I got like another 6 weeks or so of it left.

P.S. excuse my grammar and spelling cause I just gorrila styled this lol gotta go study and wright a lab paper :wiggle:

How are you brother? I have been using osta-max for close to a year off and on, and I tell you I love it as well. I always look for alternative ways to AAS and this is one of those products that you can get good results. I tried MK2866 a couple of years ago along with other SARMS but I would get terrible headaches , but this product I believe is much cleaner , I get a bit tired the first couple of weeks but then I feel fine after that. I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes it. God bless you. Minister,
Osta in low doses seems to work best for those running a pct protocol. Those looking for more of bridge can run osta in a higher dose. We have seen great preliminary results in research setting by stacking GW-1516 and Osta-Gain Max. Total body recomp effects fast, can't wait for other research to come in.


My subject ran GW a couple of years ago with decent results but then the source dried up, and tried another and it was junk. But now that Osta-gain has it in stock I got some on the way, have been using osta-gain for a year and never had any issues with quality, so subject will start with 5 mgs of GW and 25 mgs of osta-max. will keep you posted. God bless you guys. Minister.
Sounds like some really good shit. I really want some now. Do I cycle it by itself or does it have to be stacked with something. Can it be taken with a natural test booster or not. Can it be taken with a pre-workout supplement. Please help anyone.
Sounds like some really good shit. I really want some now. Do I cycle it by itself or does it have to be stacked with something. Can it be taken with a natural test booster or not. Can it be taken with a pre-workout supplement. Please help anyone.

I ran it solo, it's the only thing I've used and also took with pre workout. I workout around 5am so the pre workouts really help me out. Had great results with Osta.
Hey Minister what is that stack you are taking GW and Osta-Max. Is it a good stack, is that all you take. What kind of gains have you made with it. I may be interested in the same stack.