horse supplements- good for humans?


I was checking some sites with horse supplements, and they had a big bucket of powdered glucosamine, chondroitine, grape seed etc. for horse joints. Humans are taking the same substance so is this okay? After all, most of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that humans use are made for horses and dogs. Sounded like a good idea, just wanted to see if anybody did it already
umm..ok give it a try and tell u show it goes..but i wouldnt be putting shit in my stomach designed to be digest by a horse...thats just me...and besides is it cheaper to buy it by the bucket for a horse or by the it more ecinomical is what im asking??? if not why do it, if its the same thing???
Yeah, it is MUCH cheaper - you get a gallon size bucket of collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin etc for like $50 - basically a 3 month supply. It's powder, so I don't see why couldn't it be digestable by humans - we take the same thing in smaller doses. Maybe I should call em and ask them is it doable...
It should be okay to take, probably just more concentrated so the taste might be stronger. On a side note: I've used horse liniment before, and the only difference between it and something like bengay is that it contained a higher dosages of the same ingredients.
Exactly. Makes sense doesn't it? I've called the company that makes that stuff and they said nothing bad would happen to me if I took it, but they don't recomend it because it has some kind of oils, blah, blah - didn't quite understand. I'm not gonna risk it just because it's cheaper. Although the dosages of the stuff sounded tempting. Very tempting...
I am aware that these thread is quite a few years ago - but I am asking myself the same question and did not find this topic discussed except here. Did anyone try it by now? I wrote emails to some suppliers of equine supplements, but I did not receive any reply. I wouldn't wonder if some bb nuts like myself inquiring there on a daily basis anyway and they are a bit tired of these "freaks".
I am aware that these thread is quite a few years ago - but I am asking myself the same question and did not find this topic discussed except here. Did anyone try it by now? I wrote emails to some suppliers of equine supplements, but I did not receive any reply. I wouldn't wonder if some bb nuts like myself inquiring there on a daily basis anyway and they are a bit tired of these "freaks".

They will not reply do to risk. If they say its ok, and you get sick that email can be used to sue them.

Essentially its going to come down to a personal choice.

For me, I will pay a little more for stuff made for humans :laugh4: