How do the Pro's get Silly-ripped?

From Clarance Bass:

"my eating style is low in fat (not too low), high in natural carbohydrates (carbs, the right kind, are not fattening) and near vegetarian (small amounts of meat and fish)."

Doesn't sound like enough protein to me already :(
Cbass "kick his ass sea bass..." LoL

He isn't huge, but he has good muscular makeup, and is definately ripped. If the guy doesn't have a good diet for "real" bodybuilders, then that would suck. I've never read his books though, so I can't comment for sure.
DRveejay11 said:
Hey Mudge....pull up that website I posted.....he is a ripped old bastard!!!! (50 years old)

Yes he is, thats why I was HOPING he would have good info. If he is telling you to get ripped off pop tarts and 20g protein per day though, then I was mistaken.

Anyhow, he has advertised in the back of Muscle and Advertising for years, as well as Flex and etc, so thats really the only data I have on the guy.

He may have a carefull balance of carbs and lower fats, simply to keep glycogen stores up, maybe he's figured out something with that, I'm not a dieting genius though so I dunno.