How do the Pro's get Silly-ripped?


Community Veteran
I can get down to about 7-7.5 % with perfect dieting, cardio, the right gear and mega-discipline.....BUT:

How in the hell do the Pro's get down to 3% ???

This seems so fricken ridiculously unachievable for me!

0 carbs/0 fat (all protein)
(I'm sure they don't use dnp----do they???)
Thiomucase just before the show (although this is cosmetis only)

What else?????????????
A lot of pro's (so Ive read at many places) actually use DNP. If you seem them in the off season and a few weeks up until the contest it seems they must use DNP.
Extremely insane diets!!!!

Thats my guess. And Im sure they use all of the above at far greater amounts than you or I.

I believe it, look at them just a few weeks out most of them are still ballooned up...theres not much else besides DNP that cant knock off that much weight that quickly... got a point, I just have a prob with seeing these guys doing that shit....not sure why.....I just do.
My friend did a show at 3% bf and he said he would never do it again. He said he was always cold, shakes, and just felt like shit. Being at 7% is very very good.
Hammer said:
My friend did a show at 3% bf and he said he would never do it again. He said he was always cold, shakes, and just felt like shit. Being at 7% is very very good. did he get thet low....shed some light here.
3% is not healthy man, so other than competition I'd forget it. Unless you were born a SLB, I'd stick to 7-8% as an achievable, and probably healthy goal to shoot for. I will be happy with 8-10%.
Mudge said:
3% is not healthy man, so other than competition I'd forget it. Unless you were born a SLB, I'd stick to 7-8% as an achievable, and probably healthy goal to shoot for. I will be happy with 8-10%.

I hear you on the 3% being VERY unhealthy! I just was wandering how they did it----that's all.
Yea, 3% is very unhealthy, I hope no one here is shooting for that and even those guys are only right around 3 or 4% for a matter of days, if not hours.
I know what I do to get silly ripped for the regular season.

First I up my cardio to around 20 hours a week. And Im not talking normal cardio. I mean extensive, painstaking cardio. Then I up my sleep to around 8-10 hours a night. Before I go to bed I take a slow digestible protien blend and 1-2 doses of GHB.....out like a light and burning fat =-]

My diet is a standard cutting diet...i.e cut carbs to a bre minimm as to keep up with the higher demands due to extra cardio.

I have found that doing this I can melt away my bodyfat and still maintain size. Unfortunately as I progress throughout the season I must restore use of anabolics...Primarily EQ because I tend to not get suffieient rest and I go catobolic. But This does work for me.
YellowJacket said:
Yea, 3% is very unhealthy, I hope no one here is shooting for that and even those guys are only right around 3 or 4% for a matter of days, if not hours.

During the season(4-5 moinths) I maintain 2.5-4 % BF All while maintaining a highly strenuous cardio vascular environment with minimal water intake. Unhealthy? Possibly....Neccesary? Definately!
Hammer said:
My friend did a show at 3% bf and he said he would never do it again. He said he was always cold, shakes, and just felt like shit. Being at 7% is very very good.

Cold.......yes (less warm fluffy fat around you)

Shakes....yes (Im a hypo and dieting makes you even more hypo)

Feel like ( no more than usual)

Its all relative to giving your body what it needs while manipulating it to achive what you want.
Ok, I've said this in several threads, but there is a lawyer with a series of books on how he got down to 2 and something like 3/4% bodyfat. His name is Clarence Bass, so I imagine a search engine or Amazon would find these books.