How do you deal with having too much intensity?


New member
Strange question yes but sometimes we can over train or get hurt if we dont keep it in check...

I wanted to write this post because I remember that every time I blast I train very hard but also seem to push myself beyond comfort sometimes. Running this risk of over training becomes a struggle. I seriously feel I have to slam the weights 24/7 because .......... "I dont wanna waste the gear".

Of course we know that when we rest and sleep is when we grow and that proper diet is important but I just cant help it! I start thinking I need more frequency and more volume and morning and afternoon training , etc. I get up earlier or stay up later or both! I keep pushing as if Im invincible.

I do catch myself and try to bring myself back to reality but If I try to take a day off I feel antsy and like Im not doing the right thing.

What are some measures you guys take to kinda force yourself to slow down? For example , do you go for a bike ride or a jog? Or do you maybe do some work around the house? What are some things you might do to take your mind off wanting to constantly crush?

I know some of you guys will say all you ever do is train no matter what and that you eat barbells and shit metal filings but what about everyone else? :)
Honestly, when I have to much zeal I will take advantage of it because I too can have an opposite state of being, and when I have no motivation and on those instances I wish I was back in full throttle mode..Take it when you have it, use it when it's there, because it's hard to stay full blown gunz blazin during a 12-16 week blast..

Take the good with the bad, ups and downs..

When I feel "manic" that's when I will maybe incorporate some movements that I longed to capitalize on, focusing on lagging parts, and maybe even 2 leg sessions a week, do legs twice a week, that will slow your pace down a bit and humble you real fast.
There is no such thing as too much intensity. If you feel like you can train harder and longer, you can. Your body will tell you when it can't. This overtraining crap that has been being tossed around here lately is a term that is misused for newbs/retards who don't listen to their bodies. If you have the energy to train hard then you need to train hard. Its when you push yourself to train hard even when your body is screaming that it needs rest that you will overtrain and potentially hurt yourself.

I have been lifting for almost 25 years. I have torn both pecs because I didn't listen to my body, Both times, I was training for competitions and pushed myself too hard. I was tired, sore and had no energy but I was determined to keep going. This is another reason why I am anti preworkout drinks. These short term energy boost override what your body is telling you so you push harder than you should and put yourself at risk. If you want energy, eat right. Obviously my opinion and like everyone else its what I believe.
Thats a great point you guys have.... just go with it!

Bigswole good point about the pre workout drinks. If you are that tired you need to stim up then maybe stay the hell home and sleep instead.
Agreed with swole peezy when im done i just know im absolutely tired as fuck you just know in your heart its rest day
Strange question yes but sometimes we can over train or get hurt if we dont keep it in check...

I wanted to write this post because I remember that every time I blast I train very hard but also seem to push myself beyond comfort sometimes. Running this risk of over training becomes a struggle. I seriously feel I have to slam the weights 24/7 because .......... "I dont wanna waste the gear".

Of course we know that when we rest and sleep is when we grow and that proper diet is important but I just cant help it! I start thinking I need more frequency and more volume and morning and afternoon training , etc. I get up earlier or stay up later or both! I keep pushing as if Im invincible.

I do catch myself and try to bring myself back to reality but If I try to take a day off I feel antsy and like Im not doing the right thing.

What are some measures you guys take to kinda force yourself to slow down? For example , do you go for a bike ride or a jog? Or do you maybe do some work around the house? What are some things you might do to take your mind off wanting to constantly crush?

I know some of you guys will say all you ever do is train no matter what and that you eat barbells and shit metal filings but what about everyone else? :)

Yes a bit of gardening paint my nails change my tampon get a pedicure lol
If you are tired or getting burnt out just take a day I go for a cruise On the motorcycle takes my son to the beach watch a few movies with him ect I don't do this to avoid overtraining just to have a rest
If I feel like im just going through the motions while I'm training I just have a day off and after not training for a day im itching like a crack head that hasn't had a fix to get back and start lifting the Iron
Just started a new job on Wednesday and hurt my wrist haven't lifted for 2 days going crazy :crying:
Yes a bit of gardening paint my nails change my tampon get a pedicure lol
If you are tired or getting burnt out just take a day I go for a cruise On the motorcycle takes my son to the beach watch a few movies with him ect I don't do this to avoid overtraining just to have a rest
If I feel like im just going through the motions while I'm training I just have a day off and after not training for a day im itching like a crack head that hasn't had a fix to get back and start lifting the Iron
Just started a new job on Wednesday and hurt my wrist haven't lifted for 2 days going crazy :crying:
did you paint your nails before or after gardening?
Going to have to get that Mindset right.
Got NOT to go to the gym and relax...I find myself being more in a nitrogen state and not move around too much so I would be in the kitchen making the foods.Heck,some food I make takes 3 hours to make for the day so I would relax and cook.If I need to go outside,I would take my Traxxas Slash 2WD remote controlled truck 1/10 scale (4.4 pounds) with 2 cells Lipo batteries and have a blast.The thing goes 50 mph and does wheelies.It's customized so It's not stock or I would study up on the Stock Market or watch Netflix or go to the beach since it's right outside my door.Take a water bottle with ya,you just don't know how long you're going to be out there.
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people forget that its rest, and not just the damage you cause to the muscles, that causes growth..

overtraining will only hold you back and cause injury
One thing that causes muscles to hold up the Pump is to take a longer rest between reps.Really recover and be ready for that next set.Take longer rest sets up to 2 minutes and and be rested at home or abound.
Really should keep the cortisol level down.
A trick is tryptophan in turkey meat.Eat those to relax.Hard to find tablets these days.
I think it was 2 X 250mg for 3 days.Capsules suck.
I would open those and pour that into my protein powder.Tablets it is.
Calm down,You don't need to be at the gym everyday.Tryptophan You need.:bash:
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Keep a record of your training. When progress slows, it's time to either take a break or switch it up...
So now I'm asking another question that's in the same realm as the first....

How do you guys maintain intensity when life start s throwing curve balls. I thought of this because I found that being angry has actually made me drive myself harder! But I also remember having a big argument with my girl and although I felt angry I also felt wiped out and stressed...... And my motivation was gone.
Any tricks you guys use to get yourself back into battle mode?
people forget that its rest, and not just the damage you cause to the muscles, that causes growth..

overtraining will only hold you back and cause injury

Goddamn, I wish I knew this. I've been running starting on Monday: P,P,L,Rest,P,P,L.... Repeat...

Started out going to the gym long time ago for 2.5hours, then dropped it down to about 1.5.. Been doing it since.
I've ran tons of cycles and either my gains were so pathetic due to the reasons: Bunk Gear, Not Enough Rest, No Surplus hit for the day.

My coming cycle once I'm done with my cut is going to be Low volume, hit each muscle once a week, 1hour in gym MAX. (I will hit calves twice though).
New UGL lab coming in too, so I'me excited and choosing to run much higher dosages this time around. So I have a feeling stuff should go great.
Will be having 2 rest days during each week and will eat surplus cals each day for max recovery. Super super excited :)
PS: Clean diet: Complex carbs, low fats, high protein.

PS: I'm starting to realize that the formula works more like:
-Biggest guys: 1Hr Gym, Low Volume, Heavy/Intense, High Dosages of AAS, Muscles Groups hit once PW
-Aesthetic Lean Guys: 1.5-2H In Gym, High Volume, Drop Sets/Lots of Sets, Low-Med Dosages of AAS, Muscle Groups hit twice PW

M: Chest/Calves
T: Back
TH: Arms/Forearms
FRI: Shoulders/Calves
SAT: Legs/Abs

1-6 100mg dbol
1-16 800mg tren e
1-16 800mg mast e
1-16 600mg test e

Will be eating max growing cals on off days. Not going to reduce them on off days at all.

I think doing muscles once a week will also bring back motivation to work out, It seems to be lessening over the years quite a bit and making me not want to go there because I feel like I do it every day and for so many hours.. I will be making a log on this to test out my theory cause i'm want to be so much bigger :)
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My coming cycle once I'm done with my cut is going to be Low volume, hit each muscle once a week, 1hour in gym MAX.

I'm starting to realize that the formula works more like:
-Biggest guys: 1Hr Gym, Low Volume, Heavy/Intense, High Dosages of AAS, Muscles Groups hit once PW
-Aesthetic Lean Guys: 1.5-2H In Gym, High Volume, Drop Sets/Lots of Sets, Low-Med Dosages of AAS, Muscle Groups hit twice PW

as much as I like your idea about trying completely new and different training methods compared to what your used to, I'll just make this point about the idea listed above.

you probably should not do what 'big guys' do just cause they are big , there may be a reason they do what they do that may be totally irrelevant for you and I.

why does a 300 pound bodybuilder do a bro split and work one body part per week ? did he really get big doing that?

the reason why is cause he has a huge amount of muscle mass , and in order to work his chest out for example, he has to bench press 405 for 15 reps . that amount of weight to drive and overload a large amount of muscle is a HUGE AMOUNT OF homeostatic stress.
when your that big and strong and cause that much overload , then the chest may need a whole week off to recover.

BUT ,, the average 190 pound bodybuilder that benches 225 for reps ,, well he does not cause near the amount of overload that the guy listed above does . he can't even bench 405 for a single , let alone reps . so he does not cause near that much homeostatic stress and he therefore does not need a whole week to rest and recover his chest muscles . he can get by with way more frequency , until he grows and becomes the monster above that does cause that much stress.

don't do what the big guys do . do what the big guys DID to get big. and ain't no way a 170 pound dude is going to build a 300 pound bodybuilder chest by working it out only once per week.
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