How do you guys bulking eat so much?

Dino Velvet

Age: 36
Bf: Dont know
Been working out off and on for 5 years, been serious for 5 months.

typical work day

wake-up 6am have whey shake, squirt of Barlean's omega 3.
9am cottage cheese with yogurt, oats and fruit.
11:30 lunch, 2 cans tuna with wheat bread, or chicken breast with brown rice and veggies.
3pm whey protein drink, I get home about 6pm and work out for about an hour and 1/2 then have another whey protein drink after,BUT then I cant eat, i have to force myself to eat after my workout, I know I need to eat more to bulk up but damn, its hard in the evenings :wallbash: . If I do eat its one chicken breast or tuna, and I do drink a casein protein before bed. Any tips?
Try to eat the majority of carbs (bulky meals) in the first half or 2/3 of the day(especially at breakfast)...then in the evening, you can just have your protein source every 2-3 hrs along with little carbs...
also, work hard and intensly in the wont need to force urself to eat after the workout then...ull automatically feel hungry..
Also, be creative with the meals...invent your own recipes/mixtures....if u eat same thing over and over again,then definitely ull lose apetite..
And sometimes,,,you just need to force the spoon into your mouth no matter how nauseous you feel:)
plan to eat an hour or more after your drink that will fill you up fast. or have your meal ready when you get home and get the drink and meal in one sitting.
if i have my drink i cant eat right away but after an hour or so no problem. whoel foods first then the shake.
If you have problem eating alot take in calorie dense foods, such as nuts or heavy carbs. I also find drinking my calories makes it easier to get the proper amount needed to build muscle. So add an extra scoop of powder or a scoop of oil to your shake.
Thanks for the advice guys, I find that instead of drinking a protein drink after I workout, to go ahead and eat food, I think the shake fills me up, then I cant eat after.
Correction, how do you guys bulking find it hard NOT to eat so much.

I guess it helps that I used to weigh 270. I literally could go through 10 cans of tuna (not that I'd want to) and not feel the satiety effect.

Of course, this coming from a dude that did the milk challenge with whole milk like it was water.

The goal is not to eat so much more than it is to eat so frequently.
Correction, how do you guys bulking find it hard NOT to eat so much.

I guess it helps that I used to weigh 270. I literally could go through 10 cans of tuna (not that I'd want to) and not feel the satiety effect.

Of course, this coming from a dude that did the milk challenge with whole milk like it was water.

The goal is not to eat so much more than it is to eat so frequently.

thumbs up... solid post
You have to eat excess. It is impossible to grow if you don't eat more calories than you use. Doing this gives your body a steady supply of nutrients and building blocks that it needs to grow without putting your internal environment in a state where it is prone to putting on body fat.