How do you guys feel about test blends?


Vitamin T
Ive always used single estered test, but I'm kind of intrigued by blends. I've heard they don't keep your blood levels as stable, but is this really a huge issue? Do you have to pin blends EOD or would 2 per week be fine?

What are your thoughts?
I like test blends, but honestly they don't work any better than any other form of test, so why not just stick to one ester, preferably a long ester, and not be a pin cushion.

How often you pin depends on the amount of short ester(usually prop) per ml. If its just regular Sustanon (sust), which only has 30mg of prop per ml then you probs won't notice much of a difference between pinning eod vs twice a week. My favorite test blend is 100mg prop/100mg phenyl prop/150mg enth so if I don't pin at least eod I definitely notice huge fluctuations in the way I feel and the side effects.

Why not just stick to single ester?
Twice a week is fine. That's the reason behind the different esters, to keep the levels elevated for a prolonged period of time. There is always a longer estered test in the blend.
Sorry, thades, I didn't need to chime in after your response. It wasn't on the screen when I posted.
Ya these were pretty much my thoughts too. Blends just seem to be a better bang for your buck than straight esters.
i wouldn't do sust.. personally but some blends are a better bang for the buck
my fav blend is ms t400
200mg- test deca
100mg- test cyp
100mg- test eth

kept my levels stable and was a lot of gear in a lil bit of fluid... it let me jack up my other stuff in the same syringe with only doing 2 inj/w
Personally, I don't like blends at all. You get a little bump in the beginning from the short ester, but you have to wait for the long esters to build, so you don't hit peak levels as quickly. Same problem on the back end, you have to wait for the long ester to clear, so you end up waiting longer to start post cycle therapy (pct). Blends are good if you're on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and don't want to pin as often, (what they're made for), but I don't like them for cycles. Test E or C pinned 2X week will give good stable blood levels and predictable PCT timing. But that's just my opinion.
From my reading, and using logic - I don't like em as you can't determine the exact half life (I realize you can't exactly determine ethnate and cyp, but at least it's a closer ballpark estimation). You also can't measure exactly what's going into your body.