How do you rate British Dragon products?


New member
Namely their Oxanabol...5mg oxandrolone

Not too many people seem to have any experience with it.

It's definitely the best deal out there as far as anavar goes, if in fact, it's really 5mg of oxandrolone.

Are there any plans in the works to have it tested. I know the girls over at Elite have tested quite a few 'vars (paper, oxafort, oxandrovet, IP) Hell I'd donate a few bucks to have the Oxanabol tested.

Any info?
Is British Dragon and C&K the same Anavar? :confused:
Orange 5mg pentagons?
Im in the process of having them tested.
hey what's up BB

Canuck---yes they are orange pentagons. I believe C & K and BD both get them from the same manufacturer and sell them under their respective names, though I could be mistaken. When do you expect the results to be in?
HeHateMe said:
hey what's up BB

Canuck---yes they are orange pentagons. I believe C & K and BD both get them from the same manufacturer and sell them under their respective names, though I could be mistaken. When do you expect the results to be in?

That's absolutely correct...The Winstrol (winny), dbol, and clen tabs are legit, not sure about the others though...
C&K makes the raw materials and I think even makes the tabs for BD. I have both C&K an BD Tabs right in front of me and they are identical. I would think any c&k product would be the same quality as BD, meaning they kick ass. Keep us posted on those lab reports. I just started the 50mg winstrols (same as bd stanabols) today at 100mg ed.