how does my workout look


arnold is king!!!!!!!!
so what do u guys thinks about my workout...please comment and give me pointers, or helping me switchin up my routine thanks...

monday- chest/tris

flatbench press- 5 sets
10 reps 130.lbs
8 reps 185.lbs
6 reps 205.lbs
4 reps 225.lbs
2 reps 245.lbs
and sometimes i will do a drop set at the end...

(incline dumbell press- 4 sets)

(12 reps 50.lbs)
(10 reps 65.lbs)
(6 reps 75.lbs)
(4 reps 80.lbs)

u think i should superset with dumbell flys?

(dips- 3 sets)

(15 reps no weight)
(12 reps 25.lbs)
(10 reps 35.lbs)
( 4 reps 45.lbs

at the end of the of the third set my arms r

(decline bench- 3 sets)

(8 reps 185.lbs)
(6 reps 225.lbs)
(4 reps 245.lbs)

(cable flys- 4 sets)

(12 reps 40.lbs)
(10 reps 50.lbs)
(failure 50.lbs)
(failure 60.lbs)

(skull crushers- 3 sets untill failure)

(tricep pulldown- 3 sets untill failure)

30 minutes of cardio.....

tuesday- back/biceps

(one arm row-3 sets)

(10 reps 60.lbs)
( 8 reps 75.lbs)
( 4 reps 85.lbs)

(lat pulldown- 4 sets 1 drop set)

(15 reps 100.lbs)
(12 reps 125.lbs)
( 8 reps 150.lbs)
( 6 reps 170.lbs)

and then ill raise it too 180 and drop 170/150/125/100 to fauilure...

(wide grip pullups- 3 sets untill failure..

(reverse fly machine- 4 sets)

(12 reps 90.lbs)
(10 reps 100.lbs)
( 8 reps 115.lbs)
( 6 reps 125.lbs)

this machine is a little tough on my shoulders so i take it easy on weight..

(dumbell curls- 3 sets- 2 sets of drop sets)

( failure 40/35/25/20.lbs)
( failure 50/40/30/25.lbs)
( failure 40.lbs)

(chinups- 4 sets till failure)

(cable curl 63's the daddy of 21's- 3 sets)

30 minutes cardio


(squats-4 sets)

(12 reps 130.lbs)
(10 reps 180.lbs)
( 8 reps 225.lbs)
( 6 reps 265.lbs)

(leg extensions- 5 sets till failure)


(calf raises- 3 sets till failure)


get crasy charlie horses some times doing these

45 minutes on treadmill

thursday- shoulders

(military press- smith machine 4 sets)

(12 reps 95.lbs)
(10 reps 130.lbs)
( 8 reps 145.lbs)
( 4 reps 165.lbs)

(bar upright row- 3 sets till failure)


(arnold press- 4 sets)

(10 reps 45.lbs)
( 8 reps 50.lbs)
( 6 reps 60.lbs)
( 4 reps 65.lbs)

(dumbell laterial raises- 4 sets till failure)


By the way all dumbell workouts is the weight of each dumbell....just in case people wonder..

friday is abs and cardio 4 a hour..........

so if anyone has any pointers or anything let me know but this should b a good workout..... thanks
nobody can tell u what works for u man, looks okay but whats ur goals, dropping body fat bulk, whats up?? u have pct correct.
IMO your overtraining bro. Thats alot of sets and really not necessary at all, even if you are on gear. Your doing over 26 sets in one workout?:eek2: If your doing everything right, you should be too tired to do anymore than 12-16 sets per workout. And the even bigger problem is that after all of that your going on to do 30min of cardio. I can tell you what to expect from all this:

1. Your body becoming overtrained very fast.

2. Muscle breakdown

3. Loss of appetite and possible mood swings.

4. Weight loss will also stall as your thyroid becomes suppressed because of a shortage of food.

Put it this way, if your goal is to gain mass you should be in and out of the gym. A very intense workout with around 12-16 sets, but very short. Only take 1-1.5min breaks in between sets. Then, 15-20 min of slow paced cardio on like the stair stepper. After that its home to relax, eat and sleep. Period
i was bulking for 5 weeks but i was getting fat diet ive been on a strict diet and droped 7 pounds in 4 weeks mostly fat,so im trying to lean out, my pct is hcg,nolva,and t911 test booster
^^^like i said no 1 can tell u what works for u i do more than that certain weeks to confuse muscle memory. ive grown tremedously in 16 weeks u choose what is for u no one even knows ur body type. anything u c on training is only an opinion. sound somewhat of a novice asking if ur routine is up 2 par so my advice is stick 2 the basics and u will be fine. until u get into the groove.
i just wanted some pointers frim pro's,
i want the best results i can get ive made this my life
i always get on youtube and look at certain bodybuilders workouts and pick up diff things i like and c. then i pick new shit and so on and so on. i do alot of confusing shit. i workout by myself cuz no one can stay on my schedule cuz its diff every week.
I started a 5x5 work out, do only 15-20 sets heavy. I used to do routines like yours and never got any bigger. So sometimes less is more, right! We'll see lol
Definitely change the leg workout something like this:
legpress:8-15 reps
squats:6-15 reps
leg extensions: 8-15 reps

straight-legged deadlifts: 8-15 reps
lyin leg-curls:8-12
seated leg-curls:8-12

legs are one muscle people dont push hard enough not trying to sound like a hero but if u don't throw up or come very close to it your not training them hard enough.
I started a 5x5 work out, do only 15-20 sets heavy. I used to do routines like yours and never got any bigger. So sometimes less is more, right! We'll see lol

Exactly!.. some people get it. I know my shit on this one bros trust me