How does post cycle therapy (pct) work? (and this is just to make my title 25 charaters long...)


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How does PCT work? (and this is just to make my title 25 charaters long...)

My apologies if this has been answered elswhere. Can you please clarify what shutting down both reception and production of estrogen in the body does to restart the HPTA?

I am going to guess that adrenal glands, liver, and breast produce estrogen but if you stop that production the only place the body is getting the estrogen it would like is from aromatising testosterone in the body.

If you then shut down reception of the estrogen that was not created in the liver, breasts or adrenal glands but was aromatised from Test then your body will be "tricked" into producing more test because it thinks it needs more estrogen and the only way to get it is to make more test to aromatise.

Like I said, total guess, just wondering how my t levels got to 850 only halfway through PCT.

If I am way off here please don't make fun just tell me the right answer.


You only produce estrogen (well in appreciable amounts anyway) through aromatase. This is why nolva and clomid are recommended as one is to help (nolva) prevent the estrogen floating in your system from attaching to your breast tissue, while the clomid tricks your body (as you guessed) into thinking it has low estrogen; causing it to increase your LH signal from the pituitary gland to your leydig cells for testosterone production.

Your testosterone is likely still at 850ng/dL because the esterfied testosterone hasn't fully cleared your system yet. FYI: Testosterone cypionate takes several weeks to drop back down to "natural" levels. This of course also depends on the dose of testosterone and how long you were running it.
Love the new captain planet symbol on sponge bob by the way. lol!

I had been clear of the test for 6 weeks and clear of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in my PCT for 4 weeks before I got blood work done. I was only taking 1ML test 200/ml once weekly for 14 weeks and using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) starting in week 5 though week 14 then the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast. I was on only Nolva clomid and anastrozol for 4 weeks when I got my labs redone. Went from 300 to over 800 likety split and obviously I wasn't taking test. Eating sleeping and working out that is it. SOme of the extreme difference may be explained by the fact that I took my labs at like 3 PM and got the 300 and 8 weeks later got 800 at 930 in the morning but that surely isn't all of it.

and thanks a lot for the explanation there. I learn a lot from your posts.

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Love the new captain planet symbol on sponge bob by the way. lol!

I had been clear of the test for 6 weeks and clear of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in my PCT for 4 weeks before I got blood work done. I was only taking 1ML test 200/ml once weekly for 14 weeks and using Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) starting in week 5 though week 14 then the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast. I was on only Nolva clomid and anastrozol for 4 weeks when I got my labs redone. Went from 300 to over 800 likety split and obviously I wasn't taking test. Eating sleeping and working out that is it. SOme of the extreme difference may be explained by the fact that I took my labs at like 3 PM and got the 300 and 8 weeks later got 800 at 930 in the morning but that surely isn't all of it.
Haha yeah, I was inducted into the Captain planet team here on 'ology LOL. :)

SO you were clear of test for a total of 10 weeks after only being on 250mg/wk for 14 weeks? Sounds like that clomid seriously pumped up that LH, which I've seen happen a few times. You typically want to get bloods 4-6 weeks after your PCT is over to see how things are going; so I'd definitely see how things look "under the hood" in another month and a half or so.

What were your LH/FSH btw?
I didn't test out the estrogen levels or LH/FSH. I know I am supposed to but I am ballin on a budget. Also the reason for that extra time in there is because my PCT didn't come soon enough and my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was completely out. I will NEVER start another cycle without correct amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for blast plus intra cycle and Nolva, Clomid and anastrozol in hand... FIRST. I was fing miserable for like 3 weeks. I was like fuck man is this what it feels like to be a chick? Why do I feel like all I want to do is to take pills and cut my wrist and watch sleepless in seatle. Ok it wasn't that bad but the moody low t shit was horrible. lol
I didn't test out the estrogen levels or LH/FSH. I know I am supposed to but I am ballin on a budget. Also the reason for that extra time in there is because my PCT didn't come soon enough and my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) was completely out. I will NEVER start another cycle without correct amount of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for blast plus intra cycle and Nolva, Clomid and anastrozol in hand... FIRST. I was fing miserable for like 3 weeks. I was like fuck man is this what it feels like to be a chick? Why do I feel like all I want to do is to take pills and cut my wrist and watch sleepless in seatle. Ok it wasn't that bad but the moody low t shit was horrible. lol
Haha, sounds like you just had a quick recovery then. That emotional stuff is estrogen dominance; it's when your testosterone levels are at such a terrible ratio with estrogen, you DO have a profile similar to a woman LOL. I only laugh because I lived that way for a LOOOOOOONG time before I went on TRT.

Next time you get a test, I'd head over to and nab that female hormone panel. It works just fine for men as long as you specify that you're male at the end and it's like $51 bucks after a coupon code you can google.
S***7917;a nhàCông ty c***7893; ph***7847;n ***273;***7847;u t***432; th***432;***417;ng m***7841;i và phát tri***7875;n DVN *********​
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********* Nhà b***7841;n ***273;***432;***7901;ng ***272;i***7879;n N***432;***7899;c ***273;ang h***7887;ng, Khu v***7879; sinh c***7847;n xây l***7841;i, ban công c***7847;n ***273;ua ra, b***7841;n c***7847;n ***273;***7853;p b***7913;c t***432;***7901;ng ***273;i và xây m***7899;i l***7841;i, b***7841;n c***7847;n S***7917;a nhà, b***7841;n c***7847;n Thi công ***273;i***7879;n n***432;***7899;c,*b***7841;n mu***7889;n nâng c***7845;p ngôi nhà c***7911;a b***7841;n. B***7841;n ***273;ang tìm ng***432;***7901;i s***7917;a, b***7841;n c***7847;n tìm m***7897;t n***417;i tin t***432;***7903;ng v***7899;i b***7841;n. V***7853;y b***7841;n ***273;ã tìm ***273;úng r***7891;i hãy nh***7845;c ***273;i***7879;n tho***7841;i g***7885;i cho chúng tôi. V***7899;i DVN d***7883;ch v***7909; và s***7921; chuyên nghi***7879;p s***7869; làm b***7841;n ph***7843;i hài lòng không nh***7919;ng v***7873; giá c***7843; h***7907;p lý mà thái ***273;***7897; ph***7909;c v***7909; c***7911;a chúng tôi r***7845;t chuyên nghi***7879;p. S***7869; làm hài lòng m***7885;i khách hàng khi ***273;***7871;n v***7899;i DVN.
***272;i***7879;n tho***7841;i liên h***7879;: 0916930381 Mr Nhã
S***7917;a nhàCông ty c***7893; ph***7847;n ***273;***7847;u t***432; th***432;***417;ng m***7841;i và phát tri***7875;n DVN *********​
* **
********* Nhà b***7841;n ***273;***432;***7901;ng ***272;i***7879;n N***432;***7899;c ***273;ang h***7887;ng, Khu v***7879; sinh c***7847;n xây l***7841;i, ban công c***7847;n ***273;ua ra, b***7841;n c***7847;n ***273;***7853;p b***7913;c t***432;***7901;ng ***273;i và xây m***7899;i l***7841;i, b***7841;n c***7847;n S***7917;a nhà, b***7841;n c***7847;n Thi công ***273;i***7879;n n***432;***7899;c,*b***7841;n mu***7889;n nâng c***7845;p ngôi nhà c***7911;a b***7841;n. B***7841;n ***273;ang tìm ng***432;***7901;i s***7917;a, b***7841;n c***7847;n tìm m***7897;t n***417;i tin t***432;***7903;ng v***7899;i b***7841;n. V***7853;y b***7841;n ***273;ã tìm ***273;úng r***7891;i hãy nh***7845;c ***273;i***7879;n tho***7841;i g***7885;i cho chúng tôi. V***7899;i DVN d***7883;ch v***7909; và s***7921; chuyên nghi***7879;p s***7869; làm b***7841;n ph***7843;i hài lòng không nh***7919;ng v***7873; giá c***7843; h***7907;p lý mà thái ***273;***7897; ph***7909;c v***7909; c***7911;a chúng tôi r***7845;t chuyên nghi***7879;p. S***7869; làm hài lòng m***7885;i khách hàng khi ***273;***7871;n v***7899;i DVN.
***272;i***7879;n tho***7841;i liên h***7879;: 0916930381 Mr Nhã

Very insightful thank you for your wise words.
Reputation is bestowed henceforth. How do I get on this captian planet crew. You guys are redonk. lol

You've got to post in the "do you think one of them is on gear Pt. 2" thread and change your avi to something Cap Planet related lol