There are no annoying questions bro and its always best to know exactly what you are doing especially when consuming hormones.
The king of H-drol Is the Helladrol from Mr, look at any log, on any board and you will see that it has a cult following and amazing results.
It doesn't convert to estrogen at any rate, so an Ai is not 100% essential. However running a low dose of forma-stanzol from week 4 of your cycle to the end of PCT is very effective, it will help your recovery greatly and alleviate any doubts or possible problems that could arise.
Hcgenerate on cycle is ok I guess, but id drop it as its expensive and replace it with the dermacrine from Mr supps. This will actually increase your gains and give you a nice test base on cycle.
N2Guard is fine as on cycle support.
No need for a sarm at all, if its your 1st pct then forget it. however if you know what your doing ostarine (mk2866) can be very useful tool.
For your PCT run:
Clomid 25/25/25/25mg
Test infusion or forged Methyl eaa
Forma stanzol
Daa- 3g's a day (optional - but cheap and proven)
Hope this helps bro