how does this sound for winny


New member
Ok, say I suspend Winstrol (winny) in 151 and oil. Then whenever I want to inject I would heat it till it dissolves. I know Winstrol (winny) has a higher boiling point but it can be done. Is this at all possible?
sorry, I ment everclear. But I remember reading I could suspend Winstrol (winny) in everclear and oil. Than I want to heat and inject
ouch!!! Think about it, that shit hurts like a motherfucker goin down ur throat....imagine it inside your muscle tissue. Substitute the everclear for peg and your good to go.
grain alchohol is not for injection. Peg 200, 300, or 400 is the only thing that is going to work for an easy no hassle injectable winny.

At least until i get my secret recipe perfected :D
everclear has sugar in it ... it will crystallize i believe in you ... some how this does not sound good
How to Make Injectible Winstrol Method 1

How does a much easier injectable Winstrol (winny) recipe that has virtually no chance of crashing sound?

Materials needed
PEG 400
BA 2%
BB 15%
Winny powder
Open Vial
Sterile Vial
5 or 10 cc sryinge
3 cc syringe
23 guage needle
smaller needle to relieve air pressure


1- Take the Winstrol (winny) powder place in a open vial add BA & BB.
2- Heat vial till Winstrol (winny) melts. I set mine in a frying pan on the eye of a stove, bring to heat slowly, and let cool slowly.
3- Add peg to mixture. Save 3 ml of you peg in the 3 ml syringe so you can purge the filter with just peg, so no Winstrol (winny) is left.
4- Filter into a sterile vial.
5- Finished, should be a clear thick liquid.

For 5 Grams at 50mg/ml add
2ml BA
15ml BB
79.25ml PEG 400
5 Grams Winstrol (winny)

For 10 Grams at 50mg/ml add
4 ml BA
30 ml BB
158ml PEG 400
10 Grams Winny
You're not seriously thinking about injecting rum or other liquor, are you?

I made a post about doing that, but it was definitely tongue in cheek, I even mentioned the mythical 'first pass' thingy in the post to make sure it wasn't taken seriously.
hell just inject 1ml of ethyl and see how it feels then you know if its gonna work or not. lololololol

winny is one hormone i do like to take oral. miss all that sticking every day and get the same results.
i would deffinetly not inject such a strong booze into you (151, everclear) becasue if for soem reason you fucked up and injected into a vein and it went into your blood stream the first thing it would do is make you go blind! im not shittign either! when i was in college i tried it on a lab rat i injected everclear into it becasue i wanted to see what would happen and the rat died i got kicked out of the lab for the semester and my professor said if i ever tried it on a human it would make them go blind without a doubt.
you injected a rat, thats a little twisted. And I wasnt going to inject very very little. I just wanted to use it a a minor preservative, so no bacteria forms.
alocohol done IV will not make you blind, esp at 1ml or so. it will put a funny taste in your mouth and you feel a little flush but thats it.