How does this steroid cycle look?

Thats's a lot of test, do the benefits from taking that much test and eq really outweigh the added risks for sides?

Ive taken tren, deca, test, anavar, dbol, tbol and eq. The only cycles I've had sides with have been with deca or tren. This last cycle I did with test eq and tbol I had no sides not even a pimple.

When I took clomid in post cycle therapy (pct) I got some emotional side effects but I think clomid was the cause for that.
This cycle of test eq is all I will ever run again.
i dont get sides @ 750-but thats up to you

im not even taking an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) this time and no issues yet-that is also a personal decision-more experimentation than anything else.
What difference do you see intaking 750mg vs 600mg. Is their a big difference in strength or added muscle?
i dont know-maybe someone else will chime in on that-i know i feel a hell of a lot different from 500-750

looks like newbie helped you all ready. he's a good guy. i was saying what the range could be. while on the test. your 205lbs it is said 3mg per lb but you can go a little higher. do what yuo are comffy with if 800mg seems to much stick with 600mg.
i'm out. good night all. going to the gym.