How Does Working Out Differ On AAS?


New member
I have much more research to do before I actually use AAS (IF I EVEN DECIDE TO) maybe even 2 more years of just researching and deciding whether or not it would be a good decision. Now with that being said. I have been hitting my macronutrients getting 1gram of protein per pound of bodyweight and 2-3 carbs per pound of bodyweight and .5 grams of fat and lean bulking on a 400 plus caloric surplus I have been lifting weights for 1 year and I am 20 years old. Here is my workout routine composed of compound lifts. Upper a is monday lower a tuesday REST Wednesday Upper B Thursday , lower b friday rest weekend. My question is how does working out differ while you are on AAS I know and I have heard on many occasions that they are not a miracle drug, you still have to have your diet and training in order which I do. So now I am wondering how would this routine change if I used AAS? Would I keep doing it the same exact way but the simple fact that more testosterone was in my system allow for more and faster muscle growth? Or would I alternate days, or add days? Or would I keep the days that I workout the same and change nothing but just add in a ton more volume i'm basically just asking what changes when you start taking AAS. Also does diet stay the same? I know that when you take AAS it increases muscle protein synthesis so would I eat more or less or the same? (I am asking these questions to inform myself I have no intentions on taking AAS until I am 25 atleast I am currently 20)

Upper A
Bench 3x5
Incline Bench 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8
Bent Over Rows 3x8
Curls 3x10/Reverse Flies 3x12 Superset

Lower A
Squats 3x5
Weighted Back Extensions 3x8
Leg Press 3x10
Leg Curls 3x10
Ab work 3x15/Calf raises 3x12 Superset

Upper B
OHP 3x5
Flies 3x10
Pullups 3x8
Pendlay Rows 3x8
Face Pulls 3x12/Tricep pressdowns 3x10 Superset

Lower B
Front Squat 3x5
Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Leg Extensions 3x10
Leg Curls 3x10
Ab work 3x15/Calf Raises 3x12 Superset
You're 20 bro. That in and of itself is extremely anabolic. If you can't make gains at this age, AAS won't make much noticeable difference. Your test is at an all time high right now( god I wish I was 20 again)

Unless you're already committed to make competitive bodybuilding your life, I would strongly urge you to do it natty for at least several more years. Build a decent base using nutrition and training as your mainstays.
AAS is a serious decision not to be taken lightly as it can affect your hormones for the rest of your life

Edit..... I finished reading your post. My bad. Continue on with your research.

To add some insight, there is no cookie cutter approach to calories and AAS, just generalities. What works well for you might not have the same affect on your lifting partner. When/if you take the AAS plunge, you'll have to adjust your macros and calories until you're happy with the results.

Good luck with your endeavors
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Your routine looks perfectly fine to me...muscle group frequency is good, rep ranges are good, exercise selection is good, etc. If your getting results then I see no reason to change anything.
Training on AAS doesn't differ compared to training naturally because, contrary to popular broscience, the actual process of building muscle stays the same...your just speeding everything up.

As for diet, again I don't see any real issues with what your currently doing except maybe a slight increase in protein to 1.2g/lb when jumping on AAS. 2-3g/lb carbs & the rest from fats is perfectly fine.
You're 20 bro. That in and of itself is extremely anabolic. If you can't make gains at this age, AAS won't make much noticeable difference. Your test is at an all time high right now( god I wish I was 20 again)

Unless you're already committed to make competitive bodybuilding your life, I would strongly urge you to do it natty for at least several more years. Build a decent base using nutrition and training as your mainstays.
AAS is a serious decision not to be taken lightly as it can affect your hormones for the rest of your life

Edit..... I finished reading your post. My bad. Continue on with your research.

To add some insight, there is no cookie cutter approach to calories and AAS, just generalities. What works well for you might not have the same affect on your lifting partner. When/if you take the AAS plunge, you'll have to adjust your macros and calories until you're happy with the results.

Good luck with your endeavors

Welcome aboard :wavey: This above ^^^^^ as well as the other post. Also as Milton said you need to keep up the Home Work. The more advanced you lifting program can and will change. When on steroids your recovery is fast and you get more stamina. When my partners were ready to call it quits I use to feel like I was just beginning LOL that's when I was young at 30 years old , now 65.

You're doing good it seem and you are hitting most all the major groups needed to build a good base.
Be patient, like any sport it takes a min of 5 years just to really reach what I consider advanced level. So at 25 you'll be ready, IF you train consistently. Remember this is not a race it is a marathon and more. It will become a way of life, if it is for you and you'll life for the rest of your life at different degrees as life moves on.

But lifting is always there even if you have a break, coming back can be a bitch so go steady. Good Luck
Once you train on AAS you won't enjoy training without them. Keep doing your research before you enter the world of no turning back. Things just a arent the same after your first cycle...being natty afterwards that is.
Once you train on AAS you won't enjoy training without them. Keep doing your research before you enter the world of no turning back. Things just a arent the same after your first cycle...being natty afterwards that is.

Ugh I hear that brother. Even cruising sucks now.
I have much more research to do before I actually use AAS (IF I EVEN DECIDE TO) maybe even 2 more years of just researching and deciding whether or not it would be a good decision. Now with that being said. I have been hitting my macronutrients getting 1gram of protein per pound of bodyweight and 2-3 carbs per pound of bodyweight and .5 grams of fat and lean bulking on a 400 plus caloric surplus I have been lifting weights for 1 year and I am 20 years old. Here is my workout routine composed of compound lifts. Upper a is monday lower a tuesday REST Wednesday Upper B Thursday , lower b friday rest weekend. My question is how does working out differ while you are on AAS I know and I have heard on many occasions that they are not a miracle drug, you still have to have your diet and training in order which I do. So now I am wondering how would this routine change if I used AAS? Would I keep doing it the same exact way but the simple fact that more testosterone was in my system allow for more and faster muscle growth? Or would I alternate days, or add days? Or would I keep the days that I workout the same and change nothing but just add in a ton more volume i'm basically just asking what changes when you start taking AAS. Also does diet stay the same? I know that when you take AAS it increases muscle protein synthesis so would I eat more or less or the same? (I am asking these questions to inform myself I have no intentions on taking AAS until I am 25 atleast I am currently 20)

Upper A
Bench 3x5
Incline Bench 3x8
Lat Pulldowns 3x8
Bent Over Rows 3x8
Curls 3x10/Reverse Flies 3x12 Superset

Lower A
Squats 3x5
Weighted Back Extensions 3x8
Leg Press 3x10
Leg Curls 3x10
Ab work 3x15/Calf raises 3x12 Superset

Upper B
OHP 3x5
Flies 3x10
Pullups 3x8
Pendlay Rows 3x8
Face Pulls 3x12/Tricep pressdowns 3x10 Superset

Lower B
Front Squat 3x5
Romanian Deadlift 3x8
Leg Extensions 3x10
Leg Curls 3x10
Ab work 3x15/Calf Raises 3x12 Superset

I think everything looks great regarding your program. What's your training experience ?
I'm still a natty myself and have found out my body responds best to higher volume workouts. Which is if I were you I'll probably throw in a couple of extra sets here and there to accumulate that.
Especially if you're getting advanced in the gym and progress is slowing down.
And I'm happy you've decided to do your research before if ever starting AAS use.
Good luck mate, you've come to the right place.
I think everything looks great regarding your program. What's your training experience ?
I'm still a natty myself and have found out my body responds best to higher volume workouts. Which is if I were you I'll probably throw in a couple of extra sets here and there to accumulate that.
Especially if you're getting advanced in the gym and progress is slowing down.
And I'm happy you've decided to do your research before if ever starting AAS use.
Good luck mate, you've come to the right place.

Great advice thanks buddy!
I was recently "called out" by a young man saying how it wasn't fair how "juice just ruins the gym because people don't have to work as hard." I looked at him, smiled, and encouraged him to ask ANYONE in the gym if they knew someone that trains as hard or as consistently as I do.

He, thinking I was bluffing asked over a personal trainer for verification. They burst into laughter, and said," You realize you're talking about a guy that's here two hours a day and never ever misses a day. You would be STUPID not to take his advice."

I was flattered of course, but the reality is that AAS is only a tool, much like protein powder or a preworkout. Does it work? Yes. But it's more of a means to allow you to continue training as hard as you can AND recover faster. If I did half reps, or didn't push myself to the brink of exhaustion every single time, it wouldn't have nearly the results that it does. The problem is that there are so many people that have no real concept of what it truly takes to put on a significant amount of mass.

They're not in your kitchen when you're weighing out your food and cooking 3lbs of rice with chicken and preparing the rest of your meals. They're not there when you're stretching out your tendons and ligaments to prevent injuries. They're not there when you DO go out for dinner with family/friends and have to politely decline dessert or drinks - no matter how social you want to be, or if you're still starving.

They just see a guy pushing all this weight on a bar, thinking it's magic. It's really HARDER to live the lifestyle because of the fact that you have to optimize things to truly benefit.

Anyway, long enough rant from me, I hope this kind of answers your questions as I WISH I could in the gym - but I have no desire to not only admit use of a controlled substance, but people often only believe what they want to. ;)

My .02c :)
I hear ya HW on working the hardest in the gym;-) Sometimes I look around and don't see anyone else breaking a sweat. Then there is me, totally opposite extreme.....sweating like a priest in a Whorehouse, out of breath usually, and chugging on a gallon jug of water. That's another thing! I never see anyone drinking water....I just scratch my head sometimes. Maybe it's my gym or something but I'm like damn! Best part is I train at the YMCA so there is tons of very nice scenery....if you know what I mean;-) yoga pants! Yum!
Oh yeah, ^^^ thats^^^ what it like training on AAS my man!:)
Everyone will be looking at you like Damn!! Lol.
One thing to remember is to slow your max weight increases to allow your connective tissues to try and keep up with your strength increases. You can end up with massive strength gains and move tons of weight, only to damage connective tissues because you did too much too fast. While this is a race, it is a marathon and not a sprint. Take the time to stay at a weight you know you can increase and instead concentrate on form. Allow your connective tissues to catch up. Allow yourself to gain safely.