how does your wife/significant other view your use of AAS?

I have told every woman I've dated and my current fiance. You just have to point out all the positive, I actually don't see much negatives to talk about, for the most part all the negative stuff can be controlled or dealt with. I honestly believe aas boosts immune system dramatically.

I was the type that got real sick at least 4 times a year, now when I get sick it's so mild. I also have a story that really happened I caught a illness that can be life threatening. I was in my first cycle when it happened, I continued with the testosterone even though I couldn't work out. I recovered in half the time even my doc was impressed how fast I beat it.

I don't see synthetic testosterone as a negative, alot of people say it like it's bad "stuck to a needle for the rest of your life" who cares what's so hard about 1 pinn per week to be the best human version of yourself and being better than all these normal people around you?

Aas had improve me in every way I stand out from the rest in the workplace I have more drive ambition. I look better I feel better I miss less work because I recover faster and I don't get sick. If testosterone is a miracle to old folks and it changes there life it is good enough for me as well.

One last thing don't worry when a woman loves you she will change the way she thinks for you. She will embrace your decision and help you, she will even inject you. She will take interest in your new passion and interests

Sir you might be a little delusional. Your muscles don't make you better than all the normal people around you lol. Maybe at knuckleheads gymnasium but not in reality.
My wife was a little hesitant at first but after I explained all the benefits and the main reason I was doing it she was pretty much on board. Then I had her watch the documentary bigger, faster, stronger and she has been very supportive ever since. She won't inject me cause she's terrified of needles but she always asks when my next cycle is going to start and what sides she should be watching for if any. I explain all my blood work to her and what I'm doing to keep things on track. All she cares is that I'm safe, healthy and going to be around for a long time!!
My wife is fully in the know. Her only requirement is that I take a LOT of blood tests. That is fine with me. I find it interesting that most people have no clue what their CBC or ********* Panels are, yet they are the first to say AAS people are damaging their health!
The girl I have been dating for a while now knows and is completely on board. Luckily she has an older brother who is a responsible AAS user. So between that watching Bigger, Faster, Stronger and a little bit of education she is totally supportive.
My wife is a physician and she has been encouraging from the day i started looking into to TRT and even when i started 400mg on my cut. I've told her about how pervasive gear use is and even showed her some of the articles that are posted on here. hell my wife pins me 90% of the time

If i had a girlfriend i wouldn't tell her shit until she proves to be worth of full disclosure by earning the privilege to be my wife
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Sir you might be a little delusional. Your muscles don't make you better than all the normal people around you lol. Maybe at knuckleheads gymnasium but not in reality.

Did I say muscles? Or is this like the 5th time you put words in my mouth? I'm better because I have more testosterone than the average man I perform better than the average man. If you worked in my line of work you would understand the type of condition these people let themselves become, and it is not a healthy condition. I absolutely believe more test equals a better performing machine you are so caught up in how you look and perform it is effecting the way you process information
Actually now that I think about it muscles can be better depends on the type of career. But if say someone fit and looks great is up against a fat out of shape guy and both possess equal qualifications, more than likely the fit guy will be chosen for the job
Actually now that I think about it muscles can be better depends on the type of career. But if say someone fit and looks great is up against a fat out of shape guy and both possess equal qualifications, more than likely the fit guy will be chosen for the job

And when you get the job they can install larger mirrors in the restroom for you to admire yourself in. Everyone is gunna have to now be around an arrogant anus. Personality has nothing to do with it either right 9er. Just oh wow this guy looks amazing I will hire him over anyone because it looks like he's obsessed with fitness lol. Only a dumb boss would hire a guy based on if he has bigger muscles than another guy unless you want a job moving furnature. Not to mention a guy like you getting all grouchy if something isn't in your bodybuilding best interest. Some bodybuilders not all but some bodybuilders are some of the biggest pussies I know. Always worried about eating and if they can't eat its bitch time. Always needing a nap. Constantly obsessed with they're body lol. I don't have anything against bodybuilders at all. I myself am guilty of all thee above. I'm just saying that just because your juiced doesn't make you the better man.
Yes it does lol and I'm none of the above obviously when you look at my stomach I don't care what I eat. Survival of the fittest and boss's do judge how you look not that you can't get the job but if your oponent is out of shape it's looked at as a health risk and fat guys always complain about getting injured. These are facts buddy I've had plenty of jobs and become and still friends with old bosses and they do want the guys that are fit and going to last in the job not the guy that's gonna have diabetes and cost a fortune to employ.
Actually, it has been proven multiple times that the more attractive a person is, the higher the salary they command. It has been suggested that folks whom are willing to put in the time/effort/discipline to maintain a fantastic physique are more appealing, as employers often hope that this translates to their work ethic.

I have seen this first-hand myself.

To the OP: I started off with TRT, so my battle was an easier one. As jozifp mentioned, it's really all about education and bringing them in slowly. In fact, my wife is on testosterone with me, and watches me pin all the time as if it's business as usual.

The only compound she doesn't care for is tren, but that's understandable as soaked sheets and a moody (bad days on tren can be a little more intense) spouse are never pleasant.

I recommend watching Bigger, Stronger, Faster on youtube or Netflix, as it really helps dispel many myths, and can open a dialog between the two of you. Remember though, some people just have it so ingrained in them all the stereotypes and stigmas, that it may just not work out. That can make for some tough decisions, but hopefully it will all work out in the end.

My .02c :)
I just got a new bad ass job and I sat at home confident for 2 weeks knowing my competition didn't stand a chance, I knew I was gonna get the job after all hisinterviewing. Why? Because I am in physical shape I am confident and I can outperform the average guys going for the exact same job
Yes it does lol and I'm none of the above obviously when you look at my stomach I don't care what I eat. Survival of the fittest and boss's do judge how you look not that you can't get the job but if your oponent is out of shape it's looked at as a health risk and fat guys always complain about getting injured. These are facts buddy I've had plenty of jobs and become and still friends with old bosses and they do want the guys that are fit and going to last in the job not the guy that's gonna have diabetes and cost a fortune to employ.

Not everyone that is not on juice is a fat guy. And buddy with you running all that gear you do and doing your own blood donations this and that doesn't make you a healthier person than a guy that is natty.
You don't even look healthier than a natty guy that is just normal size to be honest.
that video I made it was a bloody nose by the way you're so gullible and believe everything I say. okay I'll take your word for it that me being 36 years old looks worse than another guy my same agelike I said especially in my line of work the type of guys I'm going up against have nothing on mefor dishwashing yeah maybe you're right because they won't pick the fit guys because those guys will go and find a better job in 2 weeks
I'm very lucky as my wife supports our HEALTHY lifestyle and has since joined me. It's hard for me to pin my ventro or glutes without getting cramps/pumps, so she always pins me then slaps my ass:) she has ran SARMS s4 the first go round and then peptides. Now she is running PSL var and RUI peps. I tricked her last night and gave her a dose of my IPT pep:) she got all red and horny, wasn't sure what was going on! Funny! So all in all yes be up front. I was already married when I began my venture, but I told her and we studied together, now we diet train and use together.
She loves the MATT 9er FLAME THREADS!!!