How fast do prolactin sides kick in?


New member
I've been on NPP for about a week now... 500mg, with 500mg test E &, 5 week TBOL Kickstarter, 0.5mg Adex a day, 500iu HCG twice a week...

My sex drive has gone down and I'm feeling a little lethargic... Could it be prolactin already?

I have caber ready to go.
since youre running adex already and npp is a short ester, its very likely so..

whats the dosage and frequency you are running it at?
I've been on NPP for about a week now... 500mg, with 500mg test E &, 5 week TBOL Kickstarter, 0.5mg Adex a day, 500iu HCG twice a week...

My sex drive has gone down and I'm feeling a little lethargic... Could it be prolactin already?

I have caber ready to go.

You crushed your estradiol, I bet ya.

Prolactin in my experience makes your dick soft, but doesn't kill the desire - nor does it make me sleepy. 0.5mg ED however of adex is probably grinding that E2 into the dust, which DOES do those things.

My .02c :)
haha i thought i read eod!!! yes, .5mg ed would be excessive!
You crushed your estradiol, I bet ya.

Prolactin in my experience makes your dick soft, but doesn't kill the desire - nor does it make me sleepy. 0.5mg ED however of adex is probably grinding that E2 into the dust, which DOES do those things.

My .02c :)
Typo... meant to say 0.5mg EOD... im injecting 150mg of both Test & NPP EOD, taking the adex the same day, along with 280IU HCG, 40mg TBOL ED.

Would it be worth checking my E2 only a week or so into the cycle?
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Typo... meant to say 0.5mg EOD... im injecting 150mg of both Test & NPP EOD, taking the adex the same day, along with 280IU HCG, 40mg TBOL ED.

Would it be worth checking my E2 only a week or so into the cycle?
yea eod you SHOULD be ok with e2..

i think its a prolactin issue.. do you have caber, prami, or bromo on hand?
Typo... meant to say 0.5mg EOD... im injecting 150mg of both Test & NPP EOD, taking the adex the same day, along with 280IU HCG, 40mg TBOL ED.

Would it be worth checking my E2 only a week or so into the cycle?

Not usually, although if you're having issues - what's a couple bucks? I would be surprised if you were seeing PRL problems so soon, unless you're VERY sensitive. Also, when was the last time you donated blood?
Not usually, although if you're having issues - what's a couple bucks? I would be surprised if you were seeing PRL problems so soon, unless you're VERY sensitive. Also, when was the last time you donated blood?

So if E2 is in check PRL is gtg?... ill get some bloods done in a week or two.

Ive never donated blood... only been on trt since February.
So if E2 is in check PRL is gtg?... ill get some bloods done in a week or two.

Ive never donated blood... only been on trt since February.

USUALLY that is the case, but some unlucky folks do find that just being on a progestin is enough to crap out prolactin like no tomorrow.

5 months on TRT is enough to bring that hematocrit up high enough to cause you some problems. I'd definitely get on that as it's often necessary for us. ;)
I've been on NPP for about a week now... 500mg, with 500mg test E &, 5 week TBOL Kickstarter, 0.5mg Adex a day, 500iu HCG twice a week...

My sex drive has gone down and I'm feeling a little lethargic... Could it be prolactin already?

I have caber ready to go.

prolactin sides are way overblown... you WON'T get any of these so-called side on 500mg of NPP. Don't start popping the caber, would most likely make you feel shittier. Look more at you sleep patterns and diet first, before you start thinking it's "prolactin".