I was running letro to get rid of some some lagging gyno and stopped one week ago (gyno is gone). How long will it take before my estrogen normalized and I can get bloods done for my next cycle?
Thanks for the responses guys. Happy to have some vets in here. wish I just took ralox but I didn't have plans of running a cycle anytime soon and planned letro to nolva. You are right my gyno is not gone but certainly manageable. My plan now is to wait a full month from my last letro dose and get bloods to see where I'm at. My plan is to take average test dosages 500mg test e weekly and balance the estro from test and hcg with aromasin. 3 months of that into a nolva/Clomid pct should further limit any gyno formation. What should I do after last pct dose to further limit rebound or is it inevitable? Any advice is golden!
Okay good deal. The letro run was an attempt to rid myself of gyno before a future cycle but I decided I would cut it short and move into a cycle. So I am waiting till letro clears my system and estrogen goes back to normal before I get precycle bloods. I could have made thismmuch easier to understand, my bad.
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