How long is it gonna take me?


Hey, Ive let myself go over the past year. Been working 10 to 12hr shifts 6 to 7 days a week out of town (Oil sands in Canada). Now I took a job in town where Im home everynight and can have a life. So its time to get back at it. I have worked out on and off for 9years but now have the time to do it all properly. Im 5ft 9 205lbs and members here point me around 20 to 30%bf. (ya its baaaad) The plan here is to drop a boat load of Body fat and cut up. Diet is starting to get on track and plan on hitting the gym/cardio 5 times per week. Im wondering how long do you guys figure it takes to actually see some crazy results? Id like to hear your opinions and any tips or advice (workouts,supps,meals) on how to get me to my goal asap. Thanks in advance!
It actually won't take that long, JUST STICK TO IT. As long as you have a good diet and good routine/cardio you will meet your goals. Patience is extremely important.
If you really have everything in check it'll come back quick!! Muscle memory is real and your body wants that muscle back. How old are you? I would look into a natural test enhancer to get you going!

Also make sure your taking creatine. It builds muscle and thats a fact.
In my opinion you can get to your goals in 2-3 months. Have you signed up with 3js diet plans? I made a lot of progress in 6 weeks and you could do the same,there are times when im fed up with the diet but hey no pain no gain. Dedication is key
as hard2gain said muscle memory is real and as long as you hit it hard you will be golden before you know it
I heard good things about Hcgenerate for natural boost. Never tried it though but a few friends swear by it. Also this site has good reviews of it by a lot of members
It wont take u too long to loose , Loosing fat isnt hard for the body providing ur eating right/ cardio . However building lean muscle thats another story unless ur geneitically inferior its hardwork and takes a longgggg time with out AAS Think about it this way the body has to actually BUILD that shit were as its more or less desposing of fat get me . ull get thier buddy just be patient . Plus u cannot cut and bulk at the same time i dont give a f*** who u r
. So answering ur question when ur going to c some CRAZY results IF u sign up with 3j or get ur diet spot on and ur training spot on and everything else i would say ur looking at about 6 months depending on the knick u were in before u "let urself go "

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In my opinion you can get to your goals in 2-3 months. Have you signed up with 3js diet plans? I made a lot of progress in 6 weeks and you could do the same,there are times when im fed up with the diet but hey no pain no gain. Dedication is key

Dude thier is no way his gunna become a sliced son of a bitch in 2-3 months rofl .
diced.. there is a way to cut and bulk at the same time.. its called a full body recomp...

i usually tell people they cant because its very tricky to do.. and the closer you are to your genetic potential the harder it gets...

iv had alot of my customers recomp.. esp those who are on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or cycle..

with the correct exp or correct supervision its possible
thanks for the replys guys, Im working my ass off and gonna keep it up, thanks and Ill keep you all posted
good luck my man! work hard!! step 1 is dedication.. step 2 is kick ass diet.. step 3 is a kick ass training routine
Dude thier is no way his gunna become a sliced son of a bitch in 2-3 months rofl .

Right and how have you come up with this,hes at 25% bodyfat, I started at 25% bodyfat about 7 weeks ago. Im probably down to about 17-18% bodyfat but more importantly my abs are visible. Thats 7 weeks of work,another 5 weeks im sure there be some improvements. If you cant put in the time and effort dont trample on peoples dreams. Roro85 trust me it can be done in 2-3months. Your not gonna be competition ready by any means but you can be in good shape
depends what one considers goodshape. Ur opinion of good shape would differ to mine and any other individual on here . Im not trying to dampen anyones hopes or dreams i just dont feel as if one could have CRAZY results in 2-3 months bro . Got a problem with that its ur provocative dude . heres a tissue x
Also whats this probabaly down to 17-18% get some calipers and find out, dont bother with those machines the majority of them are so far off its behond a joke , Im also sure in another 5 weeks thier will b improvements but i highly doubt u will b able to loose a significant amount as u have in the previous 7 weeks . The body is smarter then that even with the knowledge of 3j the wizard . But ur entitled to ur opinion hombre as am i .

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lol... you two play nice ok??? no need to go at each others throats

still has made some great progress diced.. regardless lets agree to disagree between the two of you and leave it at that.. i dont want any drama up in here..
I dont want to bicker with someone who probabaly has no relevant qualifications or certificates in this feild . its a tribute to ur knowledge 3j thats all it is , however still does deserve props for his efforts and i will give him that . Ill also take my tissue back .
good shit.. lets have a level of respect for each other regardless of anything else.. still is a good guy.. so are you diced...