Hey, Ive let myself go over the past year. Been working 10 to 12hr shifts 6 to 7 days a week out of town (Oil sands in Canada). Now I took a job in town where Im home everynight and can have a life. So its time to get back at it. I have worked out on and off for 9years but now have the time to do it all properly. Im 5ft 9 205lbs and members here point me around 20 to 30%bf. (ya its baaaad) The plan here is to drop a boat load of Body fat and cut up. Diet is starting to get on track and plan on hitting the gym/cardio 5 times per week. Im wondering how long do you guys figure it takes to actually see some crazy results? Id like to hear your opinions and any tips or advice (workouts,supps,meals) on how to get me to my goal asap. Thanks in advance!