How long to keep caloric surplus for first cycle?


New member
Hey all,

I am finishing up my first cycle (going great btw) and curious how you all approach diet during a pct.

Right now my plan is to keep my caloric surplus until I start my PCT (2.5 weeks after last pin) then slow down and move to maintenance . Is this the right thing to do or should I keep up eating until the very end?
be sure not to ease up on your diet and in order to maintain your gains you will have to eat at a higher calorie intake.
It is very difficult, but you should try to train just as hard, or even harder, and eat just as much.

If you back off on food or training you will lose more of what you gained.
eat as much as possible, your appetite is going to go down anyways and you'll need the calories to keep the gains. Don't worry too much about gaining fat. Just try to eat as clean as possible. Any fat you'll gain you'll shed off next cycle. For now you want some extra fat and water weight to help you train hard. Don't use the same training schedule as you did on cycle. Really go for the BURN and PUMP, it's much harder to achieve without steroids imo, and it's essential.
Pro-tip, use igf1-des to bridge, 50-75mcg right before or during your workout and you'll get 30 minutes of insane pumps and contractions. Even without steroids a 30 minute workout (1 muscle group) with igf1-des will leave you sore for 2 days
keep cals high till AFTER pct, id say a few weeks past pct IMO. finishing PCT doesnt mean you are fully recovered, pct just helps aid recovery.