How many mg's are you injecting?

New To HRT Injections Test Cyp 200MG

Being new to all this and Test Cyp shots started last week, been 7 days now. My Dr. Put me on 200MG every 2 weeks. I think that's a little low for me? My Lab results came back before starting at free test was 97.9 range ( 35.0-155.0) total test. 538 range ( 250-1100). This was ranges after being on Fortesta Gel 50MG a day for past months. After first shot last Friday, I felt great all day and evening, could have worked out twice with no tired feeling, after about 4th-5th day seemed tired and had these pins and needles feelings, which Test can cause. So I think the weekley shot would do better to get levels higher and more stable, so don't want to overdose myself, so 200mg every 7 days would be ok then see how I feel as most do instead of the normal range, or would 100MG a week be better to start with? Any guidance greatly appreciated. I didn't develop loss of test until 2 years ago after a traumatic car crash, I'm now 42 and have always worked out, power lifted, bodybuilt naturally, and sports. Want my 20's feeling back.

It is obviously an optimization question. I've read a vast number of studies that have detailed in very specific terms the negative effects of declining testosterone levels in males.

I've yet to see a single study that empirically supported the position that test levels above the normal range pose any health risk.

As a scientist, I have to base my positions upon what I have empirical evidence to
Being new to all this and Test Cyp shots started last week, been 7 days now. My Dr. Put me on 200MG every 2 weeks. I think that's a little low for me? My Lab results came back before starting at free test was 97.9 range ( 35.0-155.0) total test. 538 range ( 250-1100). This was ranges after being on Fortesta Gel 50MG a day for past months. After first shot last Friday, I felt great all day and evening, could have worked out twice with no tired feeling, after about 4th-5th day seemed tired and had these pins and needles feelings, which Test can cause. So I think the weekley shot would do better to get levels higher and more stable, so don't want to overdose myself, so 200mg every 7 days would be ok then see how I feel as most do instead of the normal range, or would 100MG a week be better to start with? Any guidance greatly appreciated. I didn't develop loss of test until 2 years ago after a traumatic car crash, I'm now 42 and have always worked out, power lifted, bodybuilt naturally, and sports. Want my 20's feeling back.

I can't tell you how much testosterone you need just as I can't tell you if aliens exist. You need labs to show how fast you are burning through the testosterone. Some people metabolize it differently. Also look at estrogen. Just saying oh I'm going to inject a gallon of testosterone this week because I feel better is not good medicine. More importantly there could be other variables involved, which is why you should be looking at the whole picture...a full hormone panel and the rest of the standard tests. Cortisol, aldosterone, dhea, thyroid, gh, etc.. I think that many people who are deficient in testosterone are deficient in other hormones as well. Just going on testosterone lowers circulating thyroid hormones, so some armor thyroid is almost necessary. Please do not make the mistake of thinking testosterone is the only hormone that provides energy.
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Hormone Panels done before with Endo/ Saliva Testing

Thank you for replying. Yes I went to an Endo before, she treated everything with supplements, no Test Cyp or anything powerful. I had a $1,000.00 Saliva test done where you basically spit into small collection vials over a long period of time like a week, morning, afternoon, night, middle of night etc, it's the best full hormone panel you can get. My Thyroid was fine, just high on Cortisol due to High Stress and Trauma from Crash injuries where guy hit me in the rear at 60MPH. Test was in low range, and continued lower over course of a year before I got on the gel test, which Lab results showed not effective for me.Long therapy and drugs for pain, nerve injuries in neck, depressed me alot at time since I was in top shape prior to crash, Dr. said could have broke my neck if not in shape I was to withstand impact. Didn't mean to write a Novel, just want some good sound advice on what to expect from injections of 200MG Test Cypo every 7 days, and if symptoms being on test included periods of highs and lows associated with body trying to adjust to it. Tried B12 injections as well at 1000 MG, overdosed me and made me sick, caused heart to race out of control at time. So thank you again and appreciate insight and wisdom as I go on this journey.
Well, I'm kind of stumped. I've been injecting 50mg's every 4 days for the past 6 weeks and jus' got my results. I'm at 1055ng/dL. I was so sure that the 50 mg's wasn't enough because I feel exactly the same and I was really, really surprised that 50 mg's every 4 days put me at 1055.

Since I don't have insurance I only asked for total testosterone right now. Isn't there a place I can order an E2 test and walk into a lab to have my lab drawn without a doctor's referral?
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I'm also on 50mg every 4 days. I felt better (more energy and confidence) in about 2 weeks, but it took about 2 months to get the libido back. My last test test showed 734 (pretty good for me.)
when are you supposed to get bloodwork? by that i mean if you are taking an IM injection every 5 days then on what day do you go? the dat after? the day before? third day?

of course this would be after a few months of trt. i just want to know whens the best time to go so i can get the best reading and am able to dial it in more if needed.