How many mls of test prop should I be injecting weekly


New member
Hey guys first post, I've just finished my first ever cycle. I ran sust for 8 weeks, starting off with .5ml mon and thurs for first 3 weeks then bumped it up to 1ml same days. I finished tha vial and am not ready to start my test prop. Is 1ml mon and Thursday okay? Cheers
What kind of basturdized cycle are you running with sust for 8 weeks then prop?

Sounds like yur buddy gave you some leftover gear and you're pinning whatever whenever
First of all when talking about dosages you want to use mg not ml, that's how much of the hormone is actually in what you're injecting, and that way both you and everyone here knows what your dose is and we can help.

TBH even without knowing your stats I'd say you should end your cycle now and do a full PCT. Your cycle seems pretty poorly planned, and gear isn't something you want to play around with if you don't know what you're doing. Also just from a financial standpoint you're wasting gear and therefore money with this cycle.

For the sake of math I'll assume your sust was 250mg/ml and prop is 100mg/ml. For the first 3 weeks you were taking 1ml/wk so you'd be getting 250ml/wk of actual hormones, which is in the range of what some guys here do for TRT and probably not of much benefit. Then 5 weeks of 2ml/wk or 500mg/wk, now if you were to use prop at 2mg/wk that's only 200mg/wk. Also at 8 weeks, the longer esters of sust will have barely kicked in.

Running this cycle will do nothing for you besides mess up your hormone levels so I'd say end this cycle now, do your PCT, and stick around, read the stickies and learn and you'll have a much more successful cycle when you do decide to run a proper one. And like Milton said, post your stats so we can better help you out with your goals.
OP I realy don't have much else to add but to support all of the replies.

WE need stats. Also your cycle makes no sense at all. Bad advice from you buddy's.

How old are you.
Thanks heaps, that has given me a better understanding! If I were to continue the cycle, would I put any size on or would it be a waist of time? I'm pretty new to all of this, and did rush into it a bit too quickly Which I do regret after reading these comments. Is there advice you'd give or even a different type of cycle if I still do want to continue and to the PCT a bit later? I've heard winstrol is okay
Thank you for all of the informative comments guys, definitely has opened my eyes up! As I said I am so new to all of this. I had spoken to a guy at the gym and he knew I was keen on starting a cycle. He suggested run test for 8 weeks as the way I did in my original post. I listened to him, did a quick research on test etc, and got into it. I wasn't sure about mg/ml and just listens to him. My guy that got me the stuff I asked him to get a vial of test and did not give him any details on what type, (my mistake again), I got the vial it was sust and I did a bit of research on it but was too keen and started it. I did it the way I said in the original post, now after seeing these comments I wish I looked more into it. And seeing as most of the comments was stop and do a PCT, is there another way arround that as I would like to keep going on a cycle? I do have a well payed job and buying other gear is not a problem. I apologise on being dumb about all of this, but you guys are obviously the best too talk to (not that guy at the gym) so what would you recommend doing with avoiding the PCT. would it be okay if I ran the test prop, or would I gain no size from using it? Will it be very bad for my hormones etc. thanks for this!
what are your stats??


how many mg/ml is the prop?

prop has to be injected eod.. the ester is very short